5 sets

2 power cleans + 1 push jerk

Clean complex

5 sets

1 high hang clean
1 hang clean
1 clean

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk

Back squat

Don’t forget to sign up for the Festivus games!!

Gentlemen’s paintball: Saturday September 16th at 1330hrs, Bragg Creek. There will be a sign up sheet this week by the white board

Beer mile in association with The Citizen Brewing Company: Sunday September 17th at 1200hrs. There will be a sign up sheet by the white board as well

For time:


Front squats 185/135
Strict press 115/75
Strict weighted pull ups 25/15

Note: One bar per athlete, from the ground. Scale accordingly, pick a weight that works for you. For the pull ups, you can go unweighted, kip or something challenging. Every movement is meant to be difficult and executed at lower intensity.

**At any time during this workout, perform:
4 rounds
20sec max cals air bike
10sec rest

Score is total cals for all 3 rounds

There is 2 scores for this workout: Your time to perform the 21-15-9 and the air bike. Secondary score is your total cals on the air bike

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