Power snatch (tng)

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM (tng)

Front squats

Note: On the squats, don’t just focus on the numbers you hit at the last set. It’s irrelevant if all your other sets are easy. For example, aim to start at roughly 50% of your 1RM and work your way up

Also, “tng” means “touch and go”, you work both in the concentric (up) and the eccentric (down) part of the lifts. It forces you to use muscle not used when doing drops. Not only you will get stronger doing this but essential for barbell cycling. We won’t be doing tng all the time, it has it’s place and time.



Max double unders unbroken or max single unders (If you have time, test both)


Max handstand walk or inverted hand release reps (again, if time test both)

The purpose here is to see where you’re at. You get as many attempts as you want in the timeframe


For time:

100 toes to bar

Everytime you break, perform 10 squats

Note: Scale accordingly, if you end up breaking every 3 reps at 20, you might end up doing a 1000 squats. Don’t do that. You can always do 75, 50 or 30 reps for example. If you scale, don’t make too easy, aim for something that will give you 10 to 15 breaks. Have fun

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