For time:

13 squat snatches 155/115


10 rounds of:

10 pull-ups
100-meter sprint


13 squat cleans 155/115

U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Richard Lee Vazquez, 28, of Seguin, Texas, died Nov. 13, 2013, of wounds sustained from an improvised explosive device in Panjwai District, Afghanistan.

Vazquez joined the Army in 2004 and earned many awards during his service including: the Purple Heart, three Army Commendation Medals, two Army Achievement Medals, the Meritorious Unit Citation, two Army Good Conduct Medals, the National Defense Service Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal with one Campaign Star, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal and many more.

Vazquez was a dedicated CrossFit athlete. His favorite movements included snatches, cleans, running, kettlebell swings and pull-ups. He is survived by his mother, Teresa L. Paddie; father, Teodoro Vazquez Lopez; step-father, Bryan Melton; brothers, Romario Vazquez, Brandon K. Melton and Pablo Vazquez; and sisters, Christine Marie Vazquez, Celza L. Sauceda, Ashley J. Hyde, Isabel C. Vazquez and Endina S. Vazquez.

Power snatch


Snatch balance




Note: Double overhand, touch and go



Coach note: Like lifting but don’t like swimming? I challenge you to come swimming before lifting. BOOM!!!

Swimming workout at the Highwood outdoor pool 0930 until 1030

Weightlifting at 1100 until 1200

Basic swim mechanics


3 rounds

50 meters sprint

Rest 2min between sprints


5 rounds for time:

200m swim

Rest 2min between rounds

Note: Score is time to complete all 5 rounds including rest time

Swimming workout tomorrow at the Highwood outdoor pool 0930. Please try to arrive a few minutes early to sign the waiver, get change get a good warm up. We’ll be bring some gear so we’ll need a hand with that.


Clean and jerk complex


1 clean pull
1 hang squat clean
1 clean
1 jerk

Note: No drops, build to your max


10 rounds for time:

10 wall balls 20/14
10 kettlebell swings 53/35


Power clean and jerk

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM (touch and go)

Front squats

Back squats

Note: For the front and back squat, good honest dead stop at below parallel. It’s not just about lifting heavy loads, it’s about building strength at the bottom position

Friendly reminder: Don’t forget to sign up for classes

Swimming workout at the Highwood outdoor pool Saturday July 8th at 0930 until 1030. Depending how many of us comes, it should be around 10$ each. The workout won’t be an hour long but we have the pool for ourselves for a full hour. Please try to arrive a few minutes early so we can get started right at 0930. There will be weightlifting/Open gym at 1100 until 1200. You can sign up on RhinoFit

The weight vest workout is scheduled for Sunday July 9th but it all depends if we get all the vests on time. Regardless, we’ll do a weight vest workout and re-schedule another one when everybody got their vests in.


Snatch complex

E2M12M (6 sets, build to your max for the complex)
1 snatch pull
1 hang squat snatch
1 full snatch
1 overhead squat

Note: No drops, touch and go on the ground


10 rounds for time:

10 med ball cleans 24/20
10 push ups

Muscle up Wednesday


CrossFit Games Open 11.4

10min AMRAP

60 bar facing burpees
30 overhead squats 120/90
10 ring muscle ups


10min AMRAP

60 bar facing burpees
30 overhead squats or front squats (no prescribed weight)
10 low ring muscle up transitions, chest to bar pull ups, pull ups or ring rows with a ring dip

Rest 10min

“Flight simulator”

For time:
Double Unders


Each sets must be unbroken or you have to restart your set. So if you trip at rep 49 or the 50, you must start the set all over. The format goes as follow, perform 5 double unders then you must come to a stop, then 10, stop, then 15, stop, 20 and so on. Work your way up from 5 to 50 then down to 5. Rest as needed between sets

Scale: Go up by 10 instead of 5. Go only up to 50 only. Single unders. Singles and doubles together. Break as needed

Note: Please, come in with a positive attitude, double unders can be frustrating, we all know that, be strong and don’t let it get to you. Chances are, if you get mad, you won’t get better at it. From all things, this is a great opportunity to work on your double unders skills.

Starting tomorrow, you’ll be able to receive email notifications for daily posts. Not just for WODs but also other announcements. There’s always something going on, activities, apparel orders, courses and events just to name a few. This is to make sure everybody is aware of what’s going on. Not everybody is on social media so we had to find other means.

You can also stay connected by joining our facebook community closed group, this group is for members of CrossFit Pyro only so what we post there is only for us. If you post or comment on this page, only members of the group will see it. Just search CrossFit Pyro community on the facebook search bar, request to join and you’re in. We share tons of great videos, articles and pictures. This is a great platform to share content.

We also have our main facebook page and Instagram but we’re not posting everything there.

Being at the box is ultimately the best way to stay connected, we try to take a couple minutes before classes to bring up anything that’s going on but we want to make sure absolutely everybody gets the information

Muscle snatch

Note: Quick build up, don’t spend too much time on this

Squat cleans

Bench press

Note: For the squat cleans and bench press, set up 2 bars, alternate between the 2 movements

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk

Back squats

Front squats

Acc work
Don’t you have enough?

Pyromania II is 21 days away. Are you still looking for a team? Let us know and we’ll hook you up. Only 2 team spots left!!!

Welcome Andrew Klein as one of newest Pyro Coach. Andrew is an incredible athlete that brings extremely valuable knowledge and experience in training. Since Andrew started CrossFit, his progress, attitude and will power got him to develop into a great CrossFit athlete. But being an athlete is one thing, he also has everything to be great coach. Not any coach, a CrossFit Pyro coach.


Shoulder press

Push press

Push jerk

Note: Weight only goes up


6min AMRAP

3 hang kettlebell snatch right 53/35
6 pistols
3 hang kettlebell snatch left 53/35
6 pistols

Rx+ 70/53

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