Garage workout Sunday at 9 and 10. For those that have been around for the garage days, it’s gonna be a great throwback, for those that joined Pyro in the new space, here’s your chance to experience where it all began

Power snatch from the blocks

Snatch from the blocks

Note: Use the jerk boxes or stacked plates for the blocks. Set the height so the bar is at knee height

Hang clean and jerk

Front squats

Back squats

Note: For the squats, come to a dead stop at the bottom. No set stop time

Stampede wod all day. Try your best to wear anything cowboy. Hat, cowboy boots, jeans and shirt, whatever you can find. We’ll take a picture of each class

“Rodeo time”

For time:

Buy in: 100ft sled push (4x25ft) 280/215

50 double unders
40 box jumps overs 24/20
30 sandbag clean and jerks 70/50
20 tire flips
10 kettlebell clusters 53/35 (double KB)
5 rope climbs
1 cowboy dance move

Buy out: 100ft sled push (4x25ft) 280/215

CrossFit Pyro fundamentals this weekend, Sat July 15th at 1200hrs. Learn everything you need to start. What is CrossFit, movements, nutrition, mobility and maintenance, how to scale, how to progress, safety, technique, everything you need to start and take the most out of what we offer. Combine our in depth fundamentals with our on ramp program and beginners class, you have everything to succeed. CrossFit is more than just a training program, it’s a way of life, it’s a discipline, CrossFit is for everyone, as long as you’re willing to show up and put in the work. It’s not gonna be easy, but if it was easy, you wouldn’t get the results. Contact us today, start today. No excuses. Ignite your potential!!!

“Let’s take a pause and think about this”
Squat snatch (3sec pause at the bottom)

Squat clean (3sec pause at the bottom)

Jerk (1sec pause bottom of the dip, 1sec pause at the catch)

Note: 1sec seems short but this is just enough to kill all the momentum.

Front squat (3sec pause at the bottom)

Back squat (3sec pause at the bottom)

Note: Today is all about stability at critical positions. This is not a PR format, still build up to your max but focus on accurate execution, get those stabilizer muscles to work. Chances are you won’t match your maxes but you should be able to get close

Stampede day at Pyro Friday. Rx cowboy attire

Garage workout Sunday at 9 and 10

Coach Gabrielle’s workout Monday. Coach Gab made up a wicked workout for us, can you beat her?



5 shoulder press (build to max)


For time:


Deadlift 225/155
Bar facing burpees

Stampede day at Pyro Friday all day. Cowboy attire highly recommended.

Garage workout Sunday at 9/10. This is going to be awesome!! You don’t want to miss that one


The muscle up


30 muscle ups (ring of bar)

Rest 5min

30 back squats @ 60% of 1RM

Rest 5min

30 handstand push ups

Note: Aim for approximately 5-10 per movements


Clean and jerk

Snatch pull @110% of 1RM

If you’re doing today’s workout on top of the weightlifting, skip the weightlifting squats. If you’re only doing weightlifting do this:

Front squats

Back squats


Overhead squat

Front squat

Back squat

Note: The weight only goes up


6min AMRAP

2 wall climbs
2 barbell turkish get ups 45/35

Fundamentals Saturday July 15th at 1200hrs. If you’re new at CrossFit Pyro, you don’t want to miss out. We’re going over everything CrossFit, workouts, the intent of the workouts, movements, benchmarks, how to scale, little bit on nutrition and maintenance. Basically, we’re covering everything you need to succeed and make the most of what we offer.

Pyromania II is July 22/23rd. Most of us workout once a day, couple times a week. Pyromania is the time to see what you’re capable of. You get 4 awesome workouts, you get to hangout with awesome people all day, we’ll have food, coffee from Cafe Beano, professional photographer, chiropractors, massage therapists, you get a wicked tshirt and more. This is not about you against others, this is you against yourself. Outdo yourself. Do things you never thought you could do. This is what this is about. Also, this is gonna be the most fun you ever had. If you haven’t signed up, there’s still a few spots. If you want to come help, let us know. We need judges, general helpers to move gear around and such. See you all there.

The weight vest workout has been postponed until further notice. We’ll just wait until everybody get their vests in and go from there. We just don’t want to schedule it and have to move it again

Stampede day at Pyro is Friday July 14th. Expect a lot of cowboy style movements in the workout and cowboy attire is a must. Cowboy hat, jeans, daisy dukes, cowboy boots, you name it, try your best to show up stampede style. We’ll take pictures throughout the day

The garage workout is Sunday July 16th. We’ll run regular classes, 9/10 and open gym at 11. The garage means a lot to us, this is where it all started. We had an idea, a dream, we started small and we’re where we are now because of our solid beginning. Many of you guys have started there. It’s been quite a journey. It’s important that we go back to it once in a while. Some of the best workouts we had were in there so don’t worry about the workout, we have something good planned



2 split jerks (from the rack)



TABATA row cals
TABATA box jumps 24/20
TABATA toes to bar
TABATA burpees

Note: A TABATA is 20sec of work with 10sec rest for 8 cycles (4mins). You have only 10sec between movements so don’t waste time. The whole workout is 16min

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