20min AMRAP

400m run
Max pull ups

Score is total pull ups

Pyromania II was quite an event. Awesome showing by all the athletes. Andrew got 1st place individuals, Clay got 2nd, Jen got 3rd place and everybody else did incredible. We would like to thank Ryan and Sarah for the score keeping, Leonora and Tyler for taking pictures and videos, Katie for taking care of the athletes with massages, Asiah for letting us take over her space, Ryan for doing an outstanding job with insuring the gym was spot less, Wilson for doing the Pyromania poster art and also everybody else with judging. This event was only possible with all of us together. Pyromania will be back next year, we’re already thinking about what it’s going to look like.


12min EMOM alt min

1-3 pull overs
10-30ft handstand walk


8min AMRAP

5 hang squat snatch 95/65
10 knees to elbows

Pyromania II is tomorrow!!! Are you ready? We can’t wait to see you all there, this is going to be epic!


Weighted pull up (build to max)


5 3min rounds:

Row 500m
then max push ups

2min rest between rounds

Note: Score is total push ups for all 5 rounds together

Snatch drops (no dip and drive, just get under the bar)

Note: Keep those light, work on speed under the bar

Quick clean complex (build to max)

1 clean pull + 1 hang power clean + 1 front squat + 1 jerk

1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (7 sets of the whole complex)

Front squats

Back squats

Wod and drinks tonight with Coach Gabrielle at 9pm. This is her last night coaching, make sure you come by. If you don’t drink, come for a cup of tea!!

Pyromania is approaching fast. Here’s a quick overview of the weekend:

Friday: Class at 5 then massive clean up and organization for the event
Saturday: Meet at the pool for 0830
Sunday: Meet at the pool for 0830
Monday: Back to regular hours

**There will be no classes this weekend, Pyromania is both days. If you want a workout this weekend, sign up for Pyromania, still a few spots left!!**



For time:

75 power snatch 75/55


Find 1RM hang squat snatch with the remaining time of the class

Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member was killed February 7 in the line of duty. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Simmons’ wife and two children.

Pyromania heats will be live tomorrow. We still had a few athletes signing up this week so we wanted to make sure the heats time and schedule wouldn’t move too much.


30min EMOM

1 muscle up
2 handstand push ups
4 pistols

Note: No muscle ups? No problem! Go with a banded, jumping, feet on the ground muscle up transition. Strict pull up, banded pull up or whatever will challenge you for 1 rep…30 times. Same goes for the handstand push ups and the pistols. Got no problem with any of these movements? Upscale it. Strict muscle up, deficit handstand push up, weighted pistols. You name it. Tomorrow there is no Rx, challenge yourself and do your best. Most importantly, have fun

Coach’s note: EMOM are great for skills work. It bring the intensity down, especially for tomorrow, the target workout time with transition is about 30sec so technically you get lots of rest. In general, there isn’t many EMOM in CrossFit. They’re good to keep classes on the clock during strength components and depending on the amount of work prescribed, they could be really good METCONs. Something like the benchmark workout Chelsea, is absolutely deadly or the Bergeron Beep test (which is coming really soon in the programming) can put your ego where it belongs, in the garbage. So that being said, today’s EMOM is focused on skills work, building capacity at high volume (30 muscle ups, 60 handstand push ups and 120 pistols) and technique. Now, get after it!!!

Hang squat snatch (no drops)

Power clean and power jerk (5 singles)

Snatch pulls @110% or 1rm snatch

Front squats

Back squats



2 front squats (build to max)


“Tasty fifty”
For time:
50 cal row
50 wall balls
50 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
50 ghd sit ups
50 front rack lunges 95/65
50 bar facing burpees
50 shoulder to overhead 95/65
50 triple unders or 100 doubles or 150 singles

Note: BOOM!!!

Coach Gabrielle has been with us for a month already but unfortunately will be leaving soon. Join us Thursday at 9pm right after the 8pm class for a few refreshments at Pyro.
Coach Gab made up a really nice workout for us. Can you beat her time?


“The Theoret Effect”


Squat snatch 95/65 105/75 115/85 135/95 145/105
Pull ups
Box jumps 30/24

Coach Gab 26:46 Rx

Today we’re going back to our roots. Classes at 9 and 10 in the garage, NOT at the gym. The address is 821 19th avenue NW. You can park up front or at the edge of the alley and walk to the garage


Partner up!!!

For time:

400m run together
100 wall balls 24/20
Partner 2 hold plank

400m run together
100 kettlebell swings 53/35
Partner 2 hold hollow position

400m run together
100 push ups
Partner 2 hold squat

400m run together

Note: Every time you or your partner break, run 100m
Wall balls must be linked together, more than 2sec motionless is considered a break

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