
Clean and jerk

Snatch pull @110% of 1RM

If you’re doing today’s workout on top of the weightlifting, skip the weightlifting squats. If you’re only doing weightlifting do this:

Front squats

Back squats


Overhead squat

Front squat

Back squat

Note: The weight only goes up


6min AMRAP

2 wall climbs
2 barbell turkish get ups 45/35

Fundamentals Saturday July 15th at 1200hrs. If you’re new at CrossFit Pyro, you don’t want to miss out. We’re going over everything CrossFit, workouts, the intent of the workouts, movements, benchmarks, how to scale, little bit on nutrition and maintenance. Basically, we’re covering everything you need to succeed and make the most of what we offer.

Pyromania II is July 22/23rd. Most of us workout once a day, couple times a week. Pyromania is the time to see what you’re capable of. You get 4 awesome workouts, you get to hangout with awesome people all day, we’ll have food, coffee from Cafe Beano, professional photographer, chiropractors, massage therapists, you get a wicked tshirt and more. This is not about you against others, this is you against yourself. Outdo yourself. Do things you never thought you could do. This is what this is about. Also, this is gonna be the most fun you ever had. If you haven’t signed up, there’s still a few spots. If you want to come help, let us know. We need judges, general helpers to move gear around and such. See you all there.

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