Starting tomorrow, you’ll be able to receive email notifications for daily posts. Not just for WODs but also other announcements. There’s always something going on, activities, apparel orders, courses and events just to name a few. This is to make sure everybody is aware of what’s going on. Not everybody is on social media so we had to find other means.

You can also stay connected by joining our facebook community closed group, this group is for members of CrossFit Pyro only so what we post there is only for us. If you post or comment on this page, only members of the group will see it. Just search CrossFit Pyro community on the facebook search bar, request to join and you’re in. We share tons of great videos, articles and pictures. This is a great platform to share content.

We also have our main facebook page and Instagram but we’re not posting everything there.

Being at the box is ultimately the best way to stay connected, we try to take a couple minutes before classes to bring up anything that’s going on but we want to make sure absolutely everybody gets the information

Muscle snatch

Note: Quick build up, don’t spend too much time on this

Squat cleans

Bench press

Note: For the squat cleans and bench press, set up 2 bars, alternate between the 2 movements

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk

Back squats

Front squats

Acc work
Don’t you have enough?

Pyromania II is 21 days away. Are you still looking for a team? Let us know and we’ll hook you up. Only 2 team spots left!!!

Welcome Andrew Klein as one of newest Pyro Coach. Andrew is an incredible athlete that brings extremely valuable knowledge and experience in training. Since Andrew started CrossFit, his progress, attitude and will power got him to develop into a great CrossFit athlete. But being an athlete is one thing, he also has everything to be great coach. Not any coach, a CrossFit Pyro coach.


Shoulder press

Push press

Push jerk

Note: Weight only goes up


6min AMRAP

3 hang kettlebell snatch right 53/35
6 pistols
3 hang kettlebell snatch left 53/35
6 pistols

Rx+ 70/53

     © 2016 CrossFit Pyro

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