Muscle snatch (build to max)

Power snatch (drop)

Power clean (drop)

Acc work

GHD sit ups

Back extensions

For time:

400m run

25 hang power cleans 95/65
50 hand release push ups
75 sit ups

400m run

25 front squats 95/65
50 pull ups
75 single unders

400m run

25 thrusters 95/65
50 back squats 95/65
75 double unders

400m run

Note: BOOM!!


The rope climb

Practice of the foot wraps, locking in, efficiency, kipping leg less, L-sit, start seated

Challenge of the day: 1 reset rope climb


For time:


Shoulder press

Rx deadlift at double bodyweight, shoulder press at 3/4 bodyweight
Scale option: deadlift at 1.5 bodyweight, shoulder press at half bodyweight

Note: This meant to be heavy, if scaling, aim for something challenging for triples. You’ll need to go with singles and longer rest in between. Make sure technique and form are not compromised, you miss judged on the weight, don’t be afraid to bring it down.

Clean and jerk

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk (touch and go, fixed weight)

Back squat

Acc work

Shoulder dumbbell lat raise

Shoulder dumbbell press

Guys night out Saturday June 10th 4pm at the archery games


10min EMOM alt min

10 GHD sit ups
3 forward rolls


16min AMRAP

4 knees to elbows
8 kettlebell swings 53/35
12 box jumps 30/24

Note: The box for the box jumps will be placed across the room

Guys night out is Saturday June 10th 4pm at the Archery games

Promotional video shooting Sunday June 11th at 9am


Double unders mechanics

5min EMOM

10 single unders
20 double unders
5 triple unders (If you can’t do any, either stop at 20 doubles or just do 25 doubles)


Hang squat cleans
Front squats (Rack)
Split jerks (Rack)

Note: Build to max for all lifts

Reminders and announcements:
Guys night out Saturday June 10th
Promotional video filming Sunday June 11th during the 9am class. We need at least 10 volunteers (Must be extremely good looking:0)
Garage workout date TBA
Swimming workout date TBA
Track workout date TBA
Beach volleyball date TBA
Community assemble mega supersonic clean up date TBA
Pyromania II July 23rd and 24th. We’re almost sold out

“Regionals at Pyro day 3”


21-15-9 reps for time of:
Single-arm overhead squats 80/55

Time cap: 11 minutes

Note: Chest to bar pull ups and barbell overhead squat for scale is a good option

Rest 10min


For time:
30 / 25 cal. bike
20 burpee box jump-overs 30/24
10 odd object cleans sandbag/Dball

Time cap: 6 minutes

Note: Event 6 is meant to be quick, we’ll be rotating athletes on the air bike. As soon as one athlete is done on the bike, the next athlete will start the workout. We don’t have 150 or 100lbs sandbags so we’ll improvise, it’s meant to be heavy and awkward.

Hang snatch

Power clean + power jerk

Overhead squat

Note: All build to max

Acc work

Snatch sots press (keep it light, work on mobility and technique)

Weightlifting at 10
Open gym at 11
Firebreathers at 12

Event 3:
For time:

100-ft. dumbbell overhead walking lunge
100 double-unders
50 wall-ball shots
15-ft. rope climb, 10 ascents
50 wall-ball shots
100 double-unders
100-ft. dumbbell overhead walking lunge

Men use an 80-lb. dumbbell and 10ft target
Women use a 55-lb. dumbbell and 20-lb. ball
Time cap: 16 minutes

Note: We don’t have a 30lbs ball so men will go 11ft target. For the rope climbs, there will be a tape on the rope at about 5ft. You’re not allowed to lock in your feet below the tape

Event 4

For time:
60-ft. handstand walk
10 toes-to-bars
10 double kettlebell deadlifts
60-ft. handstand walk
12 toes-to-bars
12 double kettlebell deadlifts
60-ft. handstand walk
14 toes-to-bars
14 double kettlebell deadlifts
60-ft. handstand walk
16 toes-to-bars
16 double kettlebell deadlifts
Men use two 150-lb. kettlebells
Women use two 106-lb. kettlebells

Time cap: 11 minutes
Kettlebells should be heavy. If you don’t have heavy kettlebells or dumbbells, use 2 barbells

This weekend is the West Regionals in Portland. It’s also Regionals at Pyro (to some capacity). We’ll be doing the whole programming over the weekend, Even 1/2 today, 3/4 Saturday and 5/6 Sunday. Each workout is to be treated like any other workout at Pyro, scale accordingly, use weights that makes sense for you, maintain the intent of the workout and have fun. The main difference with the Regionals workouts is the time caps and we’ll have a set rest time in between events. Basically, do all you can in the time frame

We have a full extra week to do the Canwest games. If you desire to get it done right away, you can do so this weekend during open gym times


For time, wearing a weight vest:
1,200-m run
Then, 12 rounds of:
4 strict handstand push-ups
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
12 squats

Men wear a 20-lb. vest
Women wear a 14-lb. vest

Time cap: 25 minutes

10min rest


21-15-9 reps for time of:
Dumbbell snatches
Ring dips

Men use an 80-lb. dumbbell
Women use a 55-lb. dumbbell

Time cap: 6 minutes

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