
15min to find 1RM shoulder press

Note: From the rack


For time:


Overhead lunges steps 95/65
Toes to bar

**Every time you drop the bar on the lunges or come off the bar, perform 10 burpees**

Note: Bar must stay overhead, cannot be racked on the back or front. Lunges are static, meaning you’re not walking. Do not Rx+ this, go faster

Coach recommendation: Usually, 10 burpees takes on average 1min to perform, it might be wise to rest a bit between sets to get all the reps unbroken, but also, don’t rest too long between sets as at the end of the workout, time adds up quick. This is a really nice double edged sword that will will expose your limits

Mandatory maintenance/mobility

Take 5-10min to roll and stretch

Note: If you don’t stretch and roll your muscles will get tighter and eventually could lead to injuries.

Power clean + power jerk (start light, build up to max)

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM

Back squat

Acc work

GHD sit ups


For time:

1 mile run
50 tire flips
1 mile run
20 rope climbs
1 mile run

Rx+ Run with a sandbag 70/55

Note: There is no mistake, this is the workout. BOOM!!!


15min to find 1RM deadlift

Note: Same as the max back squat Monday, don’t just think PR when we do 1RM. 1RMs are good to develop your capacity at lifting heavy loads, PR or not, you’re still taxing your nervous system and your body will seek to adapt. There’s a lot of factors involved when hitting a PR. When was the last time your tried your max for that lift? How are your feeling when doing the lift? Have you been training 10 days in a row when trying the lift? Not getting a PR when doing the lift doesn’t mean you’re getting weaker, far from it.


12min AMRAP

5 L-pull ups
10 power snatch 75/55
20 wall balls 20/14

Note: In order to Rx this workout, the legs must stay parallel to the ground during the full movement. Refer to the attached video for standard

Power snatch (touch and go)


Snatch balance


Front squat


Note: This week is more about barbell cycling and volume. We’ll be doing our Oly lift maxes in 2 weeks, Sunday July 2nd. Plain simple, you’ll have one hour to warm up, find your 1RM snatch, 1RM clean and Jerk.


Shoulder to overhead technique and efficiency


Note: This is a technique development time, use it wisely, don’t go too heavy, keep it light and really reinforce key points on the movement


4 rounds for time:

10 hang squat cleans 115/85
10 handstand push ups


4 rounds for time:

10 pistols
10 shoulder to overhead 115/85

Rest 2min

Max parallettes L-sit hold

Note: Your score is your time for all 8 rounds and your time on the L-sit. In order to count the L-sit as Rx, the feet must be at or above hip level with legs fully extended


15min to find max back squat


For time:


25ft shuttle runs
Squat box jumps 24/20

Note: Each shuttle run starts with chest to the ground (We could almost call it a burpee shuttle run). For the squat box jumps, each jump has to go through a full squat



2017 Pyro promotional video at 9am

**Partner up**

15min to find max clean

Score is the total for both partners together


9 rounds for time with a partner:

9 bar muscle ups
11 clean and jerks 155/115
50 yard partner carry

Share the work with your partner however you choose with only one person working at a time. You must tag your partner when switching. If you can’t find a partner, perform 5 reps of each exercise per round and find a heavy sandbag to carry.

U.S. Army Spc. Christopher D. Horton, of Collinsville, Oklahoma, died Sept. 9, 2011, in Zurmat District, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when enemy forces attacked his unit with small-arms fire. The 26-year-old was assigned to 1st Battalion, 279 Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Oklahoma National Guard. Horton is survived by his wife, Jane; parents David and Cherie; brother, Nicholas; sister, Tenley; and many other friends and family.

Guys night out 3:45pm at Archery games. Game starts at 4pm but we should arrive 15min early for the waiver, safety briefing and get some practice.

Guys night outline:
3:45 Archery games
5:30 The Iron Triathlon (Team of 4)
7:00 ish BBQ, games and beverages



Snatch pull @110% of today max snatch

Front squat

Acc work

Shoulder press (light weight)

Canwest games 17.5

Congrats to Derek for receiving the prestigious award!! Well done!

We’ll tackle both the Rx and the Scaled version of the Canwest games today (everybody doing both!!!). They’re actually so different that they complete each other very well


For time:

Row 500m

Rest 90seconds

Row 500m

Note: Score is the total time for both together


20min AMRAP

20 cal row
20 wall balls 20/14
20 burpees onto plate 4inches for both male and female

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