Olympic Lifting total is Sunday. 20min to find 1RM snatch, 20min to find 1RM clean and jerk. This is going to be our workout of the day for all classes.

For today’s weightlifting, keep it technique oriented. Focus on good foot work, speed under the bar, overhead mobility and light weight.

Muscle snatch

Power snatch


Clean and jerk

Note: Again, keep it light and snappy, it’s your time to work on technique, figure out what works, what doesn’t and what needs improvement. There’s no denial that proper technique is key but sometimes, all it takes is a bit of strength too. We’ll have our camera out tomorrow and we’ll try to video everybody, look at your lifts and make you a better lifter. Sunday will close this 6 week lifting cycle, here’s what to expect for the next 8 weeks. That’s going to bring us to mid August. Then we’ll do one more cycle that will lead us to the Pyro Meet 2.0 in late September.

8 weeks cycle:

Day 1:

Clean and jerk
Clean pulls
Front squat
Back squat

Day 2:
Clean and jerk
Snatch pulls
Front squat
Back squat

Day 3:
Clean and jerk
Overhead squat

We’ll be doing the snatch and the clean and jerk everyday into different formats (power, high hang, hang, full, 5,3,2,1 and such), front and back squat twice a week, overhead squat and deadlift once each, combine that with snatch pulls and clean pulls, we’ll become indestructible machines of wods

“DIANE” who?

For time:

21 deadlifts 225/155
21 handstand push ups
15 deadlifts 275/205
15 strict handstand push ups
9 deadlifts 315/235
9 deficit handstand push ups 4/2

Mandatory cool down
Row 500m

Mandatory maintenance/stretch

Note: Preplan all your weights for the deadlifts and have the plates beside your bar ready to change between sets. This workout has the same stimulus as the original Diane, except the obvious added weight on the deadlifts and the extra challenge on the handstand push up. Aim for around +\- 10min of work

CrossFit open 12.2

10min AMRAP

30 snatch 75/45
30 snatch 135/75
30 snatch 165/100
Max snatch 210/120


Front squats

Back squats


Overhead squat



Rowing “NANCY”

5 rounds for time:

Row 500m
15 overhead squats 95/65

Note: If you think you can do all 5rounds unbroken at the rx weight, go heavier

Rx+ 135/95

Weight vest workout is Sunday July 8th. Make sure to get your plates carrier for it. Here’s the link to the 911 supply website. The store is located in Calgary, Manchester area.

Body Armour, Plates, & Carriers


10min EMOM alt min

1 pull over
2 weighted pistols


For time:


Wall balls 20/14
Toes to bar

Power cleans

Front squats

Split jerks

Note: All sets are building to max

Acc work

Pendlay rows (Fixed weight)


5 rounds

30sec handstand hold
30sec rest
30sec hanging on pull up bar
30sec rest


10min AMRAP

5 ring dips
10 sumo deadlift high pulls 115/85
30 double unders


Couch stretch 2min per side

Heads up: Weight vest workout Sunday July 8th. Let’s get as many of us doing the workout wearing a weight vest. This is going to be epic!!!



Snatch complex

3 snatch grip deadlifts
2 hang squat snatch
1 overhead squat or snatch balance

Note: No drops, build to max


3 rounds for time:

12 chest to bar pull ups
9 Clusters 95/65
6 burpees over the bar




For time:

1 hill run + 50 squats at the top



Kettlebell swings 53/35
Box jumps 24/20
Sit ups


1 hill run + 50 squats at the top

Note: If this looks nuts on paper, it’s probably going to be nuts in reality

Heavy “Grace”

For time:

30 clean and jerks 225/155


Double “Grace”

For time:

60 clean and jerks 135/95

Note: If you’re doing heavy Grace, aim for a weight at about 70% of your 1RM. For example, if your 1RM is 245, don’t attempt the workout at 225. For double grace, if you have a sub 5min Grace rx, you can do double grace as prescribed.

Please keep in mind to maintain the intent of the workouts, there’s a reason why certain weights are choosen, why certain movements are the way they are and when they are. It’s all about the big pictures. Somedays we have Rx+ versions because it makes sense with rest of the week, somedays we don’t to ease of of the loading, to target different energy systems and such.

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