New cycle starting today for 8 weeks. Get ready to be strong, #pyrostrong!!

Power snatch (5 singles)

Power clean + 2 push jerk (5 singles)

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM
2-2-2-2 (touch and go)

Front squats

Back squats

Note: For the next 8 weeks, the squats are building up but don’t max out. Key there is getting your body used to the resistance but don’t over do it. This will pay off with consistency and repetition. Also, don’t start too light, try to get every set at a decent weight challenging for you. Front squats: aim for 50% of 1rm front squat start and build up to about 80%, same thing for the back squat but go from your back squat 1RM.

Coach’s note: Trust the process, don’t over do it in intensity. Keep in mind the regular workouts and that we’ll be doing this 3 times a week for 8 weeks.

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