
15min to find 1RM deadlift

Note: Same as the max back squat Monday, don’t just think PR when we do 1RM. 1RMs are good to develop your capacity at lifting heavy loads, PR or not, you’re still taxing your nervous system and your body will seek to adapt. There’s a lot of factors involved when hitting a PR. When was the last time your tried your max for that lift? How are your feeling when doing the lift? Have you been training 10 days in a row when trying the lift? Not getting a PR when doing the lift doesn’t mean you’re getting weaker, far from it.


12min AMRAP

5 L-pull ups
10 power snatch 75/55
20 wall balls 20/14

Note: In order to Rx this workout, the legs must stay parallel to the ground during the full movement. Refer to the attached video for standard

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