Ladies night is Friday May 5th at 6pm

Fundamental 1 Saturday May 6th at 12pm

Wicked workout you don’t want to miss Sunday May 7th


Front squat


Note: Make each set challenging. This is not a PR format. Just like the power cleans this week, in this format, you are working at moderately heavy to heavy load with some volume. If you PR your 1rm today, it’s either because you didn’t push hard enough on the early sets or you havent tried in a long time. That being said, aim for a 90 to 95% of your 1rm


10min AMRAP

5 ring dips
10 power snatch 75/55
30 double unders

Rx+ Strict ring dips

Note: Aim for intensity. Scale for something you can keep moving. Target intensity: 5 rounds or around 2min per rounds

Can West games starts Thursday. We’ll be doing all the workouts on Fridays.

Fundamentals 1: Saturday May 6th at 1200. This is for all new and existing members. If you haven’t taken our fundamentals we strongly recommend it.

If you have a weight vest, bring it. If you don’t have a weight vest, bring a backpack. No vest, no back pack? We have sand bags, heavy sand bags only😜


The rope climb


10 rounds for time:

200m run
1 rope climb
8 burpees

Note: If needed, scale according to your 1st round. Aim for around 30min top. The run is 100m towards the hill on 35th av and back

Tall snatch (focus on technique, speed under the bar)

Power snatch (touch and go)

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

Snatch Balance (Can you match or go over your 1RM snatch?)


Shoulder and hip focus 5-10min

Still not signed up for Pyromania II? We’ll make it a bit easier for you, here’s the link to the Eventbrite page:


10min EMOM

4 handstand push ups
4 pistols

Note: Make these 2 movements as challenging as possible for you. Handstand push ups can be deficit and pistols can be weighted for example. If you scale the movements, make it as challenging as possible for your capacity. Remember progression, you should be able to perform 5 to 10 strict handstand push ups before kipping, build the strength required to avoid injuries


For time:

Thrusters 95/65
Toes to bar

Rx+ 115/85
Challenge: All sets unbroken and you get a cookie

The mural is coming along nicely, it should all be done by Tuesday. Thanks to Tony with Kempen design for his outstanding work.

The Can West games starts this week. If you haven’t signed up yet, do it, it’s going to be a lot of fun. Kinda like the Open, much more relaxed, workouts are for everyone and we’ll be sending teams to the actual games in July.

Pyromania II registrations are going to be open to everyone this week, we’ll be sharing the event with other boxes this week. If you want a spot (seriously, you should) get on it asap because it will sell out.

Heads up: For Wednesday’s workout, bring a weight vest or a strong back pack, we’re all going to go weighted for the workout. If you forget or really can’t find anything, a really heavy sand bag will do😳


Power cleans


Note: Try to go as heavy as you can for each set. For the 5 and the 3, go touch and go or singles close together. Yesterday’s wod was leg and shoulders intensive, we need a METCON break too


Accumulate 5min of plank

Note: Every time you break, do 10 push ups. Yes, it might get spicy quickly

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