Guys night Saturday June 10th at 4pm. Start with archery tag at the archery games, followed by the Iron Triathlon (Team of 4) and a BBQ at Pyro


Deadlift (Double overhand)



Buy in: 20 knee to elbows

5 rounds for time:

4 hang kettlebell power snatch right 53/35
25ft Kettlebell overhead walking lunges right 53/35
4 hang kettlebell power snatch left 53/35
25ft kettlebell overhead walking lunges left 53/35

Buy out: 20 knee to elbows

2 power cleans + 1 push jerk (Build up)

Note: Power cleans are not touch and go but keep them close together

Clean pulls @ 110% of today’s max

Note: For today, drops in between reps, work on good triple extension

Back squat (Build up)

Note: Each sets should be challenging but stay below max effort

Acc work

GHD sit ups


Muscle ups


For time:

10 muscle ups rings or bar
20 bodyweight front squats
40 handstand push ups
80 cals row
160 double unders
400m run


10 pull ups
20 front squats 135/95
40 mini handstand push ups (scaled range of motion)
80 cals row
160 single unders
400m run

Maintenance/ Mobility


We’ll be placing the order for the duffle bags soon so if you want one, now is the time. Should be around 130$ all together. The more we order, the cheaper it will be

Guys night out is Saturday June 10th and starts at the archery games (Already booked) 4pm. Followed by the Iron Triathlon (Team of 4) and a BBQ at Pyro. You can reserve on Rhinofit and we’ll create a facebook event as well. This is going to be Epic!!!


Power snatch


Note: The 5s and 3s can be touch and go or dropped


2min AMRAP
25ft shuttle run

1min rest

2min AMRAP
Burpee box jumps 24/20

1min rest

2min AMRAP
Hand release push ups

Happy mother’s day!!! Bring your friends and family for the workout. To all the Pyro mothers, you’re awesome. Laurie, Theresa, Rebecca, Kristen, Kirsten, Sarah, Katie, Carla, Kimmee we have a gift for you

5 rounds for time:

1 hill run with med ball 20/14
30 wall balls 20/14
20 toes to bar

Pyromanian: But coach, you’re asking us to basically do “Karen” with some run and 100 toes to bar
Coach: Yes
Pyromanian: Isn’t too awesome for mother’s day?
Coach: Have a cookie
Pyromanian: -silently grabs a cookie-

Mother’s day workout Sunday. Bring your friends and family

Fundamentals 2 Gymnastics: Friday May 19th at 8pm

“Double Impact” (Double “DT”)

Partner up

10 rounds for time:

12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 shoulder to overhead

Bar 155/115

Note: One partner at a time, alternate at each round, 5 rounds each. Partners must high five before switching

Dynamic Chiropractic & Performance will be joining us during Pyromania II for your well being and recovery. We’ll also have massage therapists for both days. This is going to be much needed

Happy birthday Coach Em!! Typical Pyro fashion, everybody will do burpees today or you could do D-ball cleans instead 100/70 (Yes, we got a 70lbs ball now)

CanWest games 17.2

Rx 20min AMRAP

20 thrusters 135/95
20 pull ups
20 burpees to a 2inch target

Scaled 10min AMRAP

20 single unders
10 hang power snatch 75/45
10 ring rows

Add 10 single unders after each completed rounds

Not for time:

30 snatch

Note: Rest as needed between sets. Pick a weight that’s challenging for you, work on technique and consistency. Your first and last lift should look almost the same. Aim for 65 to 80% of your max. The weight you will pick is dependant on your technique. All reps are squat snatch

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