Olympic lifting Fundamentals tomorrow at 8pm. This is for everyone, new to current members. If you need to brush up on your technique or just learning the basics, this is for you. Even if you feel like your technique is decent, it’s still worth your time, You’ll get 1hr30min of practice with a group of awesome individuals. See you tomorrow

Canwest games 17.4

WOD Description: Rx

For Time:

Overhead Squat 95/65
Toes to Bar

WOD Variations: Scaled, Masters 55+

AMRAP 9-minute
BB F.Lunge (Per Leg)
KB Swings (American)

Detailed Description:

3 Barbell front rack lunges per leg
3 KB Swings

3 Barbell front rack lunges per Leg
3 KB Swings

6 Barbell front rack lunges per Leg
6 KB Swings

6 Barbell front rack lunges per Leg
6 KB Swings

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