Guys, get ready for the ultimate guys night out. Tentative date of Saturday June 3rd. Archery tag, Team iron triathlon, food, drinks and games. Bring your friends and family. BOOM!! This going to be EPIC!!!

You’ve probably noticed a few new faces at the box these past couple weeks. If you don’t know somebody, make sure you go introduce yourself and if we have a partner workout or have to share a bar for a workout, team up with them. For all the new Pyromanians, here’s a couple ways to stay in touch:
We also have a closed group facebook page called CrossFit Pyro community. Just send us a request to join and you’re in. Daily workout of the day post directly on your feed, tips and tricks from coaches and tons of stuff.
Also, look for our email newsletter once in a while


For time:


Ring muscle ups
Snatch 135/95

Note: All squat snatch

Rest 5min


For time:

200 double unders
100 sit ups
50 pistols

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