Mother’s day workout is Sunday May 14th. Free to all mothers. Bring your friends, family and kids

Hero workout “CLOVIS” is Sunday May 21st

Hero workout “MURPH” is Sunday May 28th

Regionals weekend at Pyro is Friday June 2nd to Sunday June 4th. We’ll have additional Firebreather classes in order to complete all the workouts. Regionals workouts are challenging but don’t let that stop you, scale as needed and join us for the fun

Don’t forget to submit your CanWest games score before 5pm tonight. If you can figure out how that is!!


Thrusters (From rack or ground)


For reps:

3min of:
Row cals 20/15 then max wall balls 20/14

Rest 2min

3min of:
Row cals 20/15 then max box jumps 24/20

Rest 2min

3min of:
Row cals 20/15 then max kettlebell swings 53/35

Note: Score is total reps for all the 3min intervals. Row 20/15 cals and with the remaining of the 3min, perform as many reps as possible of the designated movements

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