Tall cleans (Technique focus)


Clusters (touch and go)


Not for time:


Bench press

Note: No prescribed weight. Your goal is to complete all sets in the least amount of breaks. Rest as needed between sets. Start at around 40% of your 1rm bench press and work your way up. For example: 95/115/135/155/185

Next week we’ll be doing video analysis of both the snatch and the clean and jerk and provide feedback. In both cases, we’ll try to evaluate your lifts at near maximal capcity. Somewhere around 85 to 95% depending on your success rate. For the most part, a good lifter can make light lifts look good but technique usually falls apart when we get close to our maxes. The idea here is to identify points of performance and weaknesses in our lifts. Everybody has different body shapes and nobody lifts the same. As long as we maintain some key components. My snatch and clean and jerk can look completely different than somebody else and yet both techniques are sound. The other thing we will bring up is our lifts according to our bodyweight. A 225lbs athlete snatching 205lbs is completely different than a 165lbs snatching 185lbs for example. The former is snatching 20lbs under is body while later is 20lbs over is bodyweight, so strength to weight ratio is better for later athlete is this case. Also, we’ll be looking at our snatch to clean and jerk ratio. Good lifter will usually have a snatch at around 80% (roughly) of their clean and jerk. This is going to be our last week in that 4 weeks cycle. The next cycle is going to be 6 weeks and will be focus on basic strength, lots of presses, squats of all kinds and pulls/deadlifts. It’s time to get those numbers up. Really looking forward to it

Ladies night is Friday May 5th at 6pm

Fundamental 1 Saturday May 6th at 12pm

Wicked workout you don’t want to miss Sunday May 7th


Front squat


Note: Make each set challenging. This is not a PR format. Just like the power cleans this week, in this format, you are working at moderately heavy to heavy load with some volume. If you PR your 1rm today, it’s either because you didn’t push hard enough on the early sets or you havent tried in a long time. That being said, aim for a 90 to 95% of your 1rm


10min AMRAP

5 ring dips
10 power snatch 75/55
30 double unders

Rx+ Strict ring dips

Note: Aim for intensity. Scale for something you can keep moving. Target intensity: 5 rounds or around 2min per rounds

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