Testing week Clean and Jerk Thursday, Snatch and Clean and Jerk Saturday (In a different format, more CrossFit style)


10-15min warm up (Burgener warm up)

15-20min to build up to your 1 rep max snatch

10min roll and stretch

Only a few spot left for individuals at Pyromania II. If you’re interested in doing teams, let us know and we’ll find you a team



6 power snatch

Note: We’re building up for “Isabel”, try to do the Rx weight 135/95 or pick a weight that you can do 6 snatch touch and go


For time:

Buy in: 50 situps


Sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
Handstand walk (feet)

Buy out: 50 situps


5 min stretch

Reminder: We just started a pull up/ muscle up program going all the way to July

Yoga only at 7pm today

CrossFit striking Wednesday at 8pm. If you have boxing gloves, bring them


12min to find your 1 rep max jerk from the rack


12min AMRAP

1 round of Cindy
30 double unders
2 rounds of Cindy
30 double unders
3 rounds of Cindy
30 double unders

Keep adding 1 round of Cindy after each completed round
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

Bring a friend or family for free, 9 or 10


For time:

3 rounds

1 hill run
10 power cleans 135/95
5 push press 135/95

3 rounds

1 hill run
10 squat cleans 135/95
5 push jerk 135/95

Note: It might be a bit chilly early in the morning so dress accordingly. If you can’t run, substitute running with rowing or skipping. For drop ins with no experience, we’ll do kettlebell swings and push ups

Starting today all the way to July, we’re going to be working on pull ups (or a bodyweight pulling movement if you will). Regardless where you’re at with your pull ups, you will either get a pull up, increase your capacity or develop new skills, like the kipping pull up or the butterfly. Other options would be to work on muscle ups. Bar or rings. It’s going to be pretty simple. Everyday that you come at the box, after the warm up you will be perform a quick set of drills to help you achieve your goal. There is no magic to this, depending how bad you want it, the more you come, work hard and you will get results. If you want to get more, expand this program to doing it every day, at home or at the neighbourhood park. You can do this, it’s all about you and your will power to achieve it. We’ll be sharing more details in class.

Pyromania II is happening Saturday July 22nd and Sunday 23rd. Saturday is for individuals (20 males, 20 females) and Sunday is for teams (10 teams, 2 males, 2 females). Priority is given to Pyro members 1st. You can sign up for both individuals and teams (You really should do both). The events are for everyone, it doesn’t mean that it will be easy but there won’t be movements or loads that would prevent you from doing an event.

Pyromania is by Pyro, for Pyro 1st and foremost. The event will be open to everyone soon so if you want in, hurry up and sign up. Last, year, we were in the new space for 3 weeks and we had 35 athletes signed up. If you’re looking for a team, send us a message, we can help out with that. We’ll have a list of athletes looking for teams at the box: Here’s the Eventbrite link below to sign up:


There’s multiple ways to connect with the Pyro community and stay up to speed on what’s going on in the Pyro world.

The official Pyro Facebook page:


The Facebook Pyro community page: This is for our members, you’ll have to send us a request and we’ll get you in:




Pyro email quarterly newsletter

Spring edition coming soon to your email box

Have a look on the white board at the box

Weightlifting W11D3

“Double complex”

E2M10M (5 sets)

1 snatch pull
1 hang squat snatch
1 overhead squat
1 snatch balance

E2M10M (5 sets)

1 clean pull
1 hang squat clean
1 front squat
1 jerk (push jerk or split jerk)

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