Tall cleans 10×1
Tall jerks 10×1

Note: this is meant to be light, speed under the bar, foot work

Power clean to push press (touch and go)

Clean pulls @110%


For time:

45 thrusters 95/65

Note: yes you read that right, you won’t get out of it this time, METCONs even in weightlifting


Tabata power snatch

Note: No prescribe weight but the intent of this training segment is to build capacity and efficiency at barbell cycling for “Isabel” (30 snatch for time)
Target weight: 135/95


For time:

50 wall balls 20/14
40 dumbbell power snatch 50/35
30 toes to bar
20 dumbbell squat snatch 50/35
10 thrusters 135/95

Maintenance/ Mobility

You cannot leave until you did at least 5min of stretching

Girls night out Friday May 5th @6pm


Back squat

3sec pause at the bottom. Build to your max but don’t focus on numbers, the goal is to go heavy and and build strength at the bottom


Short and sweet

5min AMRAP

10 kettlebell swings 53/35
25ft kettlebell walking lunges 53/35

Note: 5ft = 1rep for the walking lunges. 1 arm front rack carry

Coming soon at Pyro:

Competitive athletes seminar Saturday April 29th at 1200pm for approximately 1 hour and half. We’ll be talking prep for the 2018 games seasons, developing teams, upcoming competitions, we’ll be talking programming, how to make the most of the programming (upscale and scaling, yes scaling is good), how to do more without burning out and avoiding injuries. If you are to do more, what should you be doing, How to recognize your weaknesses and improve. What are your strengths and how to use them at your advantage. We’ll basically talk everything competitions. This seminar is for everyone and is absolutely free. Competitive or not, everybody will get something good out of it.

“CLOVIS” hero workout Sunday May 7th

“MURPH” Sunday May 28th


5 rounds for time:

400m run
21 sit ups
15 box jumps overs 24/20
9 deadlifts 225/155

Rx+ 275/205

We tested our maxes this week already, now let’s test it in a different way!!

Snatch speed ladder

Ladder 1: Time cap 1min

45×5/ 55×4/ 65×3/ 75×2/ 85×1

35×5/ 45×4/ 55×3/ 65×2/ 75×1

Ladder 2: Time cap 2min
95×5/ 105×4/ 115×3 /125×2 /135×1

80×5/ 85×4 /90×3 /95×2 /100×1

Ladder 3: Time cap 3min
145×5 /155×4 /165×3 /175×2 /185×1

105×5/ 110×4 /115×3 /120×2 /125×1

Ladder 4: Time cap 4min
195×5 /205×4 /215×3 /225×2 /235×1

130×1 /135×4 /140×3 /145×2 /150×1

Note: Each ladders are scored separately. If you don’t finish the ladder within the time restraint, your score will be (cap -) the number of reps you didn’t complete in that ladder.
This will be forever known as the Pyro snatch ladder, we will test this from time to time. We’ll also have a thruster and clean and jerk ladders soon.

Still a few spot left for individuals and teams for Pyromania II
Pyromania II registration link:



20min AMRAP

5 handstand push ups
10 pistols
15 pull ups

Note: Yes, more pull ups

Time to test our Clean and Jerk


Every 30 sec for 5 min (5 cycles)

Max double unders

Rx+ unbroken only


For time:


Burpees over the bar
Front squats 185/135
Chest to bar pull ups


10min for real, you won’t get out of it

If you have MMA or boxing gloves bring them


5 x 1,2,3,4 switch power punch (heavy bag)

Note: Don’t worry, we’ll go over the format. It’s basically 20 heavy punches intervals


Partner workout

3 rounds for time:

20 x 1,2,3,4 and 1 burpee (focus mitts)

(straight, jab, upper cut, upper cut)

Note: 1 partner works at a time. Switch every 20 reps

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