
Power snatch


On a continuous running clock:

From 0 to 6min:


For time:
30 snatch 135/95

From 6 to 10min:

Max back squats 135/95 (From the ground)
Whenever the bar is dropped, do 10 bar facing burpees

Competitive athletes seminar Saturday April 29th at 12 until approximately 1:30. Full seminar plan in tomorrow’s post. This is for everyone that wants to maximize skills development and strength, no experience required


Bodyweight overhead squat test

The goal is to do 15 reps at bodyweight, if scalling, go as heavy as you can and aim for 15 reps


8min AMRAP

3 ring dips
6 sumo deadlift high pulls 115/85
9 box jumps 24/20

Rx+ Rings above reach so a muscle up is required


Dragon 2min per side

No classes today, back to regular schedule Monday

Easter challenge:

5min AMRAP


Note: Start with chest to the ground, finish with feet off the ground, knee and hips at full extension with hands touching together overhead. Body must be in straight line at the finish. Post score to comments

Weightlifting at 10am, Open gym at 11am
Sunday closed
Monday regular hours

Tall cleans (We need to be better at this)

Note: keep those light, this is not about how much weight you can lift, work on speed under the bar

Hang cleans (Build up to a max triple)

Cleans (Build up to max for the day)

Behind the neck jerk (Split jerk)


Note: Usual movement here so make sure you get some reps with a pvc and an empty barbell first. This lift should be heavier than your jerk from the front rack

Acc work
Accumulate 2min of paralette L-sit hold

Classes at 9/10 and open gym at 11
We’re testing out having somebody looking after the kids tomorrow from 9 to 12. This is a free service but if you bring a little extra it would be greatly appreciated. We’ll try to have somebody every Sunday during class times from now on so the kids are safe and more entertained.

Partner 20min AMRAP

Partner 1
400m run

Partner 2
5 wall climbs
10 knees to elbows
20 wall balls 24/20

Note: When partner 1 comes back from the run, switch. Partner 1 continues where Partner 2 left off. Your score is your total rounds after 20min. Partner workout are fun, it doesn’t matter who you’re paired up with, just give your best and have a good workout. It’s not about having the best score on the board, and try to partner up with somebody you don’t know. If you can’t run, row 500m

5 rounds NOT for time:

5 overhead squats (from the ground)
5 bench press
5 push jerks (from the ground)
15 GHD sit ups

Note: Build up each barbell movement to your max


Muscle snatch/power snatch
Power clean and jerk

Note: pvc pipe and barbell only, work on proper mechanics, especially the catch on the power snatch and power clean


5 rounds for time:

6 power snatch 95/65
6 bar facing burpees
6 power clean and jerk 95/65
6 bar facing burpees

Rx+ 135/95

Note: Pick a weight that you can managed 6 reps unbroken for at least the 1st round

Hey guys, hero workout “CLOVIS” is coming Sunday May 21st. For those that don’t know yet, It is a 10 mile run with 150 burpee pull ups. Yes, you read that right, this is going to be challenging. We’ll have scaled options, half “CLOVIS” 5 mile run and 75 burpee pull ups and a shorter “CLOVIS” with a 3 mile run and 50 burpee pull ups. You can break up the workout however you’d like. You could split it in 10 rounds of 1 mile and 15 burpee pull ups for example. This is going to be our “Pyro Challenge” of the year. CLOVIS is also one of the hero workouts to achieve the Gold Firebreather badge (This is the last workout I need to achieve it). We have 5 weeks left before the workout, here’s my recommendation to prep for it. Start building up some running volume, hit the pavement from once to 3x a week. something like a short run (1 mile which could be done before or after a workout at Pyro) a medium one (2-3 miles) and possibly a longer one 3 miles plus. That’s in relation to the workout. Don’t go run 10 miles per week (well, unless that’s your thing and there’s nothing wrong with it), it just won’t be necessary to prep for CLOVIS. This workout is for time but I think the real challenge here is just to finish it. Looks like the average time is about 2hrs. We’ll have a start at 9:10 (10min warm up) and we’ll go all the way until everybody is done. If you can’t come at 0900, come later but please don’t show up at 10 to 12 and do the whole thing Rx. Hope that helps

The Pyro apparel order is going in April 15th. The order sheet is by the white board at the gym, just put your name down and the size required. We have Tshirts, Hoodies, Tank tops (the fit is really small so make sure you go a size bigger than usual), baseball shirts and ball caps. All apparels are American Apparel for size reference

With this order, we should be getting Pyro stickers and the first Silver/Gold Firebreather badges

CrossFit Calgary workout. Post your workout score in the comments and make sure you head to CrossFit Calgary’s website and log in your score in their comments section as well

Work to your heaviest complex in 15 minutes:

5 weighted pull ups/ 5 chest to bar pull ups/ 5 bar muscle ups

Note: Do not come off the bar


For time:

2000m row

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