Our competitive athletes seminar is April 29th at 12pm for about 1:30hr. It is our chance to get all together and discuss everything competition. Below, is a quick overview of the topics that will be discussed but not limited to. The seminar is meant to be open in nature to allow everyone’s input. Just to clarify on something, the term competitive is not just for competitions or the crossfit games open for example, being competitive is a mindset, it’s a state in which an athlete as an incredible desire to be better, to put in extra work to improve, to get stronger, to get more mobile and improve skills. There’s a lot of us like that at Pyro.

What does it mean to be competitive?
In depth analysis of the Open, workouts, movements, past opens and how to get better
Upcoming competitions
Pyro’s programming and why our programming is top notch. How do we program, what constitutes a good competitive programming (Skills, strength, classic CrossFit)
Volume vs intensity, when to scale or dial down
Analysis of other competitive programming (Linchpin, FTW, Comp train, OPT to name a few)
And more

I’m gonna close this overview with this. The programming itself does not make you a good athlete, you make yourself a good athlete. The intensity and the effort that you put in everyday is the real factor. Other factors to consider is your training environment, nutrition and recovery. Having a training partner and rival is also a key part of your athlete development. We’ll be discussing all this on April 29th. See you all there

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