The Pyro apparel order is going in April 15th. The order sheet is by the white board at the gym, just put your name down and the size required. We have Tshirts, Hoodies, Tank tops (the fit is really small so make sure you go a size bigger than usual), baseball shirts and ball caps. All apparels are American Apparel for size reference
With this order, we should be getting Pyro stickers and the first Silver/Gold Firebreather badges
CrossFit Calgary workout. Post your workout score in the comments and make sure you head to CrossFit Calgary’s website and log in your score in their comments section as well
Work to your heaviest complex in 15 minutes:
5 weighted pull ups/ 5 chest to bar pull ups/ 5 bar muscle ups
Note: Do not come off the bar
For time:
2000m row
Tall cleans 10×1
Tall jerks 10×1
Note: this is meant to be light, speed under the bar, foot work
Power clean to push press (touch and go)
Clean pulls @110%
For time:
45 thrusters 95/65
Note: yes you read that right, you won’t get out of it this time, METCONs even in weightlifting
Tabata power snatch
Note: No prescribe weight but the intent of this training segment is to build capacity and efficiency at barbell cycling for “Isabel” (30 snatch for time)
Target weight: 135/95
For time:
50 wall balls 20/14
40 dumbbell power snatch 50/35
30 toes to bar
20 dumbbell squat snatch 50/35
10 thrusters 135/95
Maintenance/ Mobility
You cannot leave until you did at least 5min of stretching