Join us Thursday night at 8pm for the 2017 post open party!!! Bring the snack of your choice to share with everyone, bring your refreshments and let’s have some fun. We’ll play some games, hangout, discuss this year’s open and what 2018 will look like. There will be no class at 8pm but if that’s the only time you can come, of course you can do the workout, we’ll all be there to cheer you on.




Note: In this strength format, we’ll keep track of each sets. Warm up to a good start set and build your way up. No set rest in between sets but as it gets heavier, take more time to recover. This is not a format to hot a personal record, but you should be able to build up close to it, like between 95 to 100%. It allows us to work on a moderate volume at heavy loads. Today’s format is also there in the programming as an easier day. METCONS are really taxing our bodies, a strength only day is much needed once in a while

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