Hello Pyromanians, this is a quick notification on class times and open gym. As affiliate owners, one of our goals is to maximize our services. Offering opportunities to allow you to come workout more often or do more is crucial. We’re also open to what this could look like, everyone has different needs. Our community keeps growing and more people join us, it has become a bit more limited. The last thing we want to do is setting strict rules. To keep somewhat of an order within the chaos, we’d like everyone to keep weightlifting during weighlifting and regular classes during regular classes as much as possible. We know many of you wants to do both and the hours don’t always work so doing regular class and then weightlifting is the only way for you. Bringing this to the extreme, imagine if everyone would do that?

Now, we love the fact that many of you wants to do more and get better, we’re not suggesting to stop but here are a few things to consider if you’re doing other things on the side while there’s a coached class going:

Gear used
Asking the coach if this is ok and share what you’ll be doing
Keep an open mind that you might not be able to do what you had planned due to class size and gear used
Mobility and stretch is never an issue. In fact we encourage you to do it everyday
Gymnastics for the most part doesn’t use much gear or space and keeps the noise down

This is by no means to block anybody to come and do extra stuff on the side during regular class times. We just need to keep it fair for everyone and make sure we keep it in order. Open gyms are great to work on weaknesses, Pyro weighlifting or catching up on a missed workout

We’ll be bringing this up during classes this week, if you have any questions do not hesitate and ask. We’re working hard to make this the best box in the universe, help us make it happen. Share your thoughts in the comments please

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