Weightlifting W4D1

Power clean (Good mechanics, no starfish, same as squat clean but catch above parallel)

+1 jerk

Note: Perform 2 cleans then 1 jerk. Not touch and go

Clean pulls @100 of 1rm clean and jerk (Fixed weight)

Back squat (Build to max)

Acc. work

Weighted barbell good mornings (Fixed weight)

Thursday- Snatch and front squats
Saturday- Overhead squats, presses and deadlifts


5 rounds for time:
1min Max calorie row
Turkish get-ups 53/35

Complete a total of 40 reps (or calories) in each round. For example, if you row 25 calories, complete 15 Turkish get-ups for that round. If you row 30 calories, complete 10 Turkish get-ups for that round

We’re looking at getting custom Pyro gym duffle bags, if interested, put your name down on the sheet by the white board or let us know

Pyro will be representing this weekend at the CrossFit Ramsay Western Classic. If you’re interested in coming cheering up, ask for details in class

Valentine’s day partner workout Tuesday February 14th. Bring your love one for the ultimate partner workout. If for any reasons your partner is not member, bring them for free. If you don’t have a partner, we’ll find you one for the workout


10min EMOM

1-5 muscle ups

Note: Every min on the min, perform 1 or up to 5 muscle ups. Depending on where you’re at, you might be working on transitions or strict muscle ups for example, the reps will change


8min AMRAP

1 overhead squat 95/65
1 knee to elbow

Note: Keep adding 1 rep of each after each sets until you run out of time


Four rounds for time:

Overhead walking lunges 100ft 45/35
30 box jump, 24/20
20 wallballs 20/14
10 Handstand push-ups

U.S. Navy Senior Chief Cryptologic Technician David Blake McLendon, 30, of Thomasville, Georgia, assigned to Naval Special Warfare Group 2 Support Activity in Norfolk, Virginia, was killed September 21, 2010, in a helicopter crash during combat operations in the Zabul province of Afghanistan. McLendon is survived by his wife Kate McLendon, his parents David and Mary-Ann McLendon, his brother Chris McLendon, and his sister Kelly Lockman.

Fundamentals 2: Gymnastics at 0930
Pyro weightlifting at 1100
Yoga at 1200

Weightlifting W3D3

Burgener warm up 5min

Squat snatch (3sec pause at bottom)

Snatch pulls @110% of today’s 1rm

Front squats (build to max)

Acc. Work
Glute ham raises
Strict toes to bar

With the Open coming up, make sure you check out the Judge course. Well worth your time and overall it will help you a better athlete


10min EMOM alt min

Paralette max L-sit hold
Kettlebell overhead walking lunges 25ft

Note: No weight prescribed on the walking lunges, pick something challenging


5 rounds for time:

30 double unders
5 hang squat cleans
10 chest to bar pull ups

Men ladder weight: 95/135/155/185/205
Female ladder weight: 65/85/105/115/135

Scale the weight for the ladder accordingly. Example, you might want to start at the same weight as RX but increase with smaller increments. Mens: 95/105/115/125/135

During the open, each athlete performing the workouts will have to be judged. Meaning somebody will be watching you, insuring full range of motion is done properly, counting your reps and validating your scores. It doesn’t get more official than this. Anybody can be your judge as long as they are familiar with the movements and standards. The best way to be familiar with the movements and standards is by doing the online CrossFit judge course. This is a well done course, like any other CrossFit course and well worth your time. This is not only good to be a good judge but also good for you. At the end of the day, we all want to have a good time, have fun and get fitter in the process, range of motion and proper movements are there to ensure we all do the same thing and get the most of each workouts. Do not get confused with scaling, you could be scaling the load, changing some movements completely or the range of motion. That’s a different story, we could say that the movements and standards applies mostly for the as prescribed workouts (Rx). Doing a workout Rx means that all the movements, weights and standards have be done properly. If you miss a rep in the workout because you trip on a double under, that rep doesn’t count for example. If you didn’t achieve full lock out overhead with the barbell, no rep. We highly recommend everyone to take the judge course, only 10$ and you will learn a lot. Here’s the link:


5 sets

1 snatch balance + 2 overhead squat (Build to max)

Push press (Build to max)


Split jerk (Build to max)


Acc. work

Snatch grip RDL



Deadlift (Touch and go, Build to max)


Note: Touch and go meaning, as soon as the bar touch the ground you go back up without stop at the ground. If you have to stop at the ground, it’s just too heavy. The goal is to work on barbell cycling


10min AMRAP

8 wall balls 20/14
8 push ups
8 kettlebell swings 53/35

21 days unbroken challenge. It takes 21 days to form a new habit. What better habit to develop than being healthy and fit. This challenge is going to be hard, for some it might just be impossible some days to come to the box just with the schedule. If you really want to do this, find a way to workout, anywhere, go for a run, come for yoga at Pyro, grab something heavy at home and lift it a few times, just get something done and try your best to make it to Pyro. The goal is to be active, 21 days unbroken.



2 barbell turkish get ups 65/55 (1 left and 1 right)


For time:


Thrusters 95/65
Sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65


Toes to bar
Box jumps 24/20

Note: Your score is your time for both 21-15-9 together, no rest in between

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