Valentine’s day partner WOD
10 rounds for time:
12 bar facing burpees
9 power snatch 95/65
6 overhead squats 95/65
3 strict pull ups
Note: 1 partner works at a time while the other rest. Switch every rounds
If you don’t have a partner, do 5 rounds and rest 2min between rounds. Score is your time with the rest
You can bring any partners, non members for FREE
Pyro Weightlifting W5D1
10 sets (build to max)
1 hang cleans
1 clean
1 jerk
Clean pulls @ 110% of 1rm clean and jerk
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (fixed weight)
Back squat (all sets above 1rm clean and jerk)
2-2-2-2-2 (fixed or build up)
Acc. work
GHD sit ups 15-15-15
Back extension 15-15-15
Team Free Radical got 4th place overall at the western classic 2017!!! BOOM
Push jerk (from the rack)
For time:
Box jumps 30/24
Handstand push ups
The CrossFit Games Open is right around the corner, have you signed up yet? The Open is a lot of fun and really brings people together as a community. There’s is absolutely no valid reasons for not signing up, all the workouts have a scaled option, masters division and really, all that matters is that you do your best. If there’s a movement that you can’t do, you can always just work at it and get better. For only 20$, you get to participate in one of the biggest fitness competition in the world. Do it
Kids ninja zone at 1000. 5$ per kid
Open workout 11.5
20min AMRAP
5 power cleans 145/100
10 toes to bar
15 wall balls 20/14
Fundamentals 3: Olympic Lifting at 0930 until 1100
Yoga at 1200
Weightlifting W4D3
Overhead squats (Build to max)
5 sets (Build to max)
2 push press
1 push jerk
1 split jerk
Double overhand grip deadlifts (110% of 1rm clean and jerk)
Acc. work
kettlebell Pendlay rows (Fixed weight)
Back squat (3sec descent)
3min AMRAP
6 handstand push ups
9 kettlebell swings 53/35
2min rest
3min AMRAP
6 shoulder to overhead 115/85
9 hang power cleans 115/85
2min AMRAP
3min AMRAP
6 push ups
9 shuttle runs 30ft
Note: Your score is all the AMRAPs together. Keep counting your reps from one AMRAP to the other
Make sure you plan some time for refreshments, hangout and maybe play some games after the 8pm class
Bench press
4 rounds for time:
5 clusters 135/95
10 pull ups
15 burpees over the bar
Rx+ 155/115, chest to bar pull ups
Note: Cluster is a squat clean to a thruster, bar has to touch the ground between each rep
Power snatch (Keep it pretty, same as squat snatch, no starfish, catch above parallel)
Snatch (Not touch and go, keep them close together)
Snatch pulls @ 100% (Fixed weight)
Front squat (Build to max)
Acc. work
100 sit ups
Kids yoga Saturdays at 1100. Free for members and 10$ for non-members
Kids ninja zone Sundays at 1000. 5$ for members and 10$ for non-members
Bring your kids with you at Pyro. Get your fitness in, hangout with friends and have a good time while your kids are just next door being active and learn new things. It doesn’t get any better
A few of us are sticking around Thursday night after the 8pm class. Come hangout, play some games or just enjoy some refreshments
15min AMRAP:
10 weighted pistols 35/25
20 deadlifts 225/165
30 GHD sit ups
40 ft handstand walk
50 double unders
Option 2:
15min AMRAP:
10 box pistols (Like a pistol but start with one foot up on the box)
20 deadlifts185/135
30 abmat sit ups
40 handstand alt hand release
50 high jump single unders
Note: Intensity/ Volume target: 2-3 rounds
Maintenance/ Mobility (You won’t get out of this, it has to be done)
10min full body stretch
5min full body roll