Hello Pyromanians, the CrossFit Opens starts tomorrow and we believe a lot of you still have questions in regards to what it is. Hopefully this little post will clarify a few things. The Open is the 1st stage of the CrossFit games, and for 90% of us, this will be the only stage. About the top 10% will make to regionals and about 1% of that will go to the games. Athletes advancing to the next level are dedicated to CrossFit, basically their work is to prepare for the open, it takes a lot of time, determination and commitment. Most of us have full time jobs, shift work, travels, kids, family and other interests that simply makes going to regionals or the games impossible. That being said, it doesn’t make the Open less fun. The Open is just like any other workouts at Pyro. You have an Rx, scale and masters version. Double unders become single unders, chest to bar pull ups become jumping pull ups, weights are scaled down, like I said, nothing different than any other workouts. I think the best way to see it is to treat these workouts like a benchmark or a test if you will. This is a test done by you, against you, nothing more, unless you’re competitive and watching what other can do drives you to do better. If you have no interest in competition. Don’t look at the leaderboard, do your workouts, enter your score online, do that for the next 5 weeks and that’s it. As a community, at Pyro or around the world, all of us are doing it. 15,000 affiliates are doing the Open, 150,000+ athletes register every year, this is what unites us as a community. For only 20$, you get to be part of the biggest competition on the planet. I don’t want to make this too long but make sure you ask questions in class. We want to get as many people as possible to sign up. For this week, we’ll be watching it live tomorrow night and then do the workout, for the next 4 weeks we’ll be watching it at the box on Thursday but hit the workouts on Fridays. It will be the workout of the day for the Fridays.

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