No kids ninja zone today
The Open starts this Thursday, we’ll be watching the workout announcement live at Pyro, crush the workout and then make sure you stick around for some refreshments. If you haven’t signed up yet, there’s still time, you have until next Monday. The programming this week will be just like usual, make sure you take it easy before Thursday, it doesn’t mean to do nothing, scale down the weight, volume and change movements to an easier version that way you’ll be fresh for the workout. If you can’t make it Thursday don’t worry, you’ll have your chance at other times until Monday. We’ll be talking about the open all week during classes and we’ll be posting more details on our FB community page and the website.


8 min AMRAP

15 box jumps 24/20
10 deadlifts 155/115
5 inverted burpees

2 min rest

6 min AMRAP

15 kettlebell swings 53/35
10 wall balls 20/14
5 wall climbs

2 min rest

4 min AMRAP

15 squats
10 toes to bar
5 pull ups

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