Weightliftng W7D1

5 sets
1 snatch push press + 5 overhead squats

Shoulder press

Power clean + push press

Acc. work

50 ghd sit ups

5k run this Saturday at 1200

Gymnastics extravaganza

10min EMOM alt min

1 strict, 2 kipping, 3 butterfly pull ups
10 hollow body/ arch


8 rounds for time:

8 pistols
8 handstand push ups

Note: Consider the volume, if needed scale down the rounds

How about we take it easy, or easier today?

Front squat


Back squat


Maintenance/ Mobility

Roll and stretch 10min (Back focus I suppose)

For most of us, week 1 of the Open is over, just a few left to do it and some redos. We’re amazed by your hard work, positive attitude and enthusiast towards the event. Remember, this is only the 1st week, 4 more to go. Have fun with it, this is just another workout, just more formal, with judges and your score goes on a leaderboard, no big deal. As this is our 1st year doing the Open in this space, we’re testing the water, gather feedback and our goal is to offer the best experience possible. This week’s live announcement gathering was a huge success so we’ll be repeating it for the next 4 weeks. If you’d like to do the workout right after the announcement you can, except this time we’ll have a sign up sheet and heat times, that way you can warm up accordingly and manage your food intake timing. Also starting this week, we’ll be doing our own face off, Coach Em vs Coach David this Thursday and we’re trying to line up some of you guys that would be a good match up for the other weeks.

We’ll have a workout of the day for Thursdays during the day but the nights will be reserved for the Open starting at 6pm. Pyro weightlifting is still happening Thursdays at 5pm. The Open workouts will be the workout of the day Fridays. We encourage you to come at night as much as possible and make sure to put your name down for heat times. We’ll try to keep Open workouts during Open gym times as much as possible (Saturday and Sunday at 11) Keep an eye on the schedule and if this is confusing, make sure you ask in class this week

Sweet skills!!

Good old fashion Chipper to start the week

For time:

10 bar muscle ups
20 handstand push ups
30 sandbag thrusters 55/35
40 toes to bar
50 wall balls 20/14
60 double unders
70 push ups
80 squats
90 sit ups
100 cals row


Fundamentals 5 at 0930: Warm ups, intro wod, cool downs, maintenance, mobility, preventing injuries and what to do if injured

Weightlifting W6D3

High hang squat cleans (Light load)

Clean and jerks (build to your max for the day)

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk

Back squats

Acc. work

5 sets
5 strict knees to elbows

Roll, back focus

17.1 was just released, it’s officially brutal/awesome!!! Yes, brutal and awesome go together in CrossFit. You have until Monday 5pm to perform the workout and submit your score. Ideally, try to come during open gym times but if the only time you can come is during regular classes, we’ll find a way. Tonight was kind of a gong show as the workout was 20min time cap a lot of you showed up(Way to go team Pyro). For the next 4 weeks, we’ll do the workout Friday night starting at 6pm. We’re still going to program a workout for the day but the Open workout will be for the night. We’re also going to have heat times and a sign up sheet so you won’t have to wait all night. More details this week in class. That was so awesome to see all you tonight, fearless and ready to annihilate anything in your path, you guys rock


10min EMOM alt min

30 double unders
10 GHD sit ups


8min AMRAP

5 shoulder to overhead 115/85
10 chest to bar pull ups


Roll and stretch 5-10min

Join us for the CrossFit games open live announcement at 6pm. We’ll probably start the 1st heat around 6:30pm. We don’t know what the workout will be so it could be anything really. We’ll have heats going all night so don’t worry about the time. We’ll be doing the workouts on Fridays moving forward. A year ago, we did the Open in the garage, what an experience that was, with limited space, gear and no drops allowed, it will forever stay in our memories. Some of us just started CrossFit at the time and jumped right in. Once again, if you haven’t signed up yet, there’s still time. Chances are, if you’re still not sure, once you see what the 1st workout is, you’ll just do it and then sign up.


10min EMOM alt min

1 peg board ascent
30 sec handstand hold (freestanding or on the wall)


5 rounds for time:

20 cal row
10 dumbbells manmaker 35/25
10 knees to elbows

Hello Pyromanians, the CrossFit Opens starts tomorrow and we believe a lot of you still have questions in regards to what it is. Hopefully this little post will clarify a few things. The Open is the 1st stage of the CrossFit games, and for 90% of us, this will be the only stage. About the top 10% will make to regionals and about 1% of that will go to the games. Athletes advancing to the next level are dedicated to CrossFit, basically their work is to prepare for the open, it takes a lot of time, determination and commitment. Most of us have full time jobs, shift work, travels, kids, family and other interests that simply makes going to regionals or the games impossible. That being said, it doesn’t make the Open less fun. The Open is just like any other workouts at Pyro. You have an Rx, scale and masters version. Double unders become single unders, chest to bar pull ups become jumping pull ups, weights are scaled down, like I said, nothing different than any other workouts. I think the best way to see it is to treat these workouts like a benchmark or a test if you will. This is a test done by you, against you, nothing more, unless you’re competitive and watching what other can do drives you to do better. If you have no interest in competition. Don’t look at the leaderboard, do your workouts, enter your score online, do that for the next 5 weeks and that’s it. As a community, at Pyro or around the world, all of us are doing it. 15,000 affiliates are doing the Open, 150,000,000+ athletes register every year, this is what unites us as a community. For only 20$, you get to be part of the biggest competition on the planet. I don’t want to make this too long but make sure you ask questions in class. We want to get as many people as possible to sign up. For this week, we’ll be watching it live tomorrow night and then do the workout, for the next 4 weeks we’ll be watching it at the box on Thursday but hit the workouts on Fridays. It will be the workout of the day for the Fridays.

Weightlifting W6D2 (Lifting for everyone, yay!)

Power snatch (built to max)


Snatch (built to max)


Front Squats (build to max)


Acc. work

Snatch grip sots presses


Note: The open starts tomorrow so depending on how you see it, go easy on the load, nothing wrong with going thought the motions but you want to be fresh to hit the workout Thursday. By the way, if you haven’t signed up yet, stop whatever you’re doing and go sign up

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