It is with the highest honor that we present you the 2016 CrossFit Pyro athlete of the year. Chosen by you, somebody that inspires you and reflects our values as a community, honor, dignity, loyalty, determination, respect, integrity, teamwork and discipline.

We present you, Scott Regier as our 2016 athlete of year. Congratulation Scott!!!

Scott has been with us since the beginning, since the garage. He has show incredible determination and unbeatable work ethic on a daily basis. While he has improved so much and so quickly, Scott stays humble despite incredible achievements. Always positive, respectful and regarded as a top athleted. We always hear some coming to the board and ask “what did Scott get?”.

Now a dad, that hasn’t stopped him to show up everyday. It seems, nothing can stop this guy.

Later this month, we will program a workout in Scott’s name…rowing?….wall balls?

Again, congratulation!!!


Double unders



5 rounds for time:

20 pull ups
40 push ups
60 squats

Firebreather – Fie-r’-brë-th-er: (n) 1. One who faces the triumphs and tribulations of great physical opposition with an indomitable spirit. 2. An optimistic energy associated with the heart of an athlete.

Click on the link for full post

Click on the link for full post.

We have an incredible year ahead of us. Here’s a break down of what to look for. Specific dates to follow as we get closer. Click on the link for full post.


2016 was a crazy year for Pyro. We went from a garage gym to an affiliate, then moved to the new location in July. Our community has grown so much in that short time frame, it’s insane!! We did Pyromania I, the Rocky Mountain Crusher, the team series, the Pyro Olympic lifting meet, the WOD of the dead and the Christmas party just to name a few. What an epic year. The thing is, we just got started. Keep an eye on the website during the day for our lifestyle nutrition challenge details, a 2017 outline, the Firebreather incentive and the unveil of the Pyro athlete of the year.

We’re also starting to take appointments for the one on one session for goal setting, fat% and more. Expect the session to be 15-30min depending on you. It can take as long as it needs to. Reminder, this is absolutely free, no charge, no catch, everybody gets to benefit from this so make sure you set up your appointment with either Coach David or Coach Emilie.

We’re so exited for 2017!!!

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