Registration for the CrossFit Games Open starts today. We’re aiming for 100% participation on this. There’s no excuse, absolutely none. This is what brings all the boxes around the globe together. There’s no such thing as I’m not good enough or I can’t do anything as prescribed. This is only 10$ and the workouts are just like any other workouts, scale accordingly and get better than you were yesterday, plain simple. We’ll be watching the announcement live and then hit the workout (There will be refreshments after obviously). For those a bit more competitive, you’ll have your chance to do the workouts multiple times. If for some reason you feel like 10$ is not worth it, we’ll pay for it (I doubt we’ll get to that). Seriously, this is a lot of fun and it is for everyone. One workout per week for 5 weeks. Let’s do this team!!!!

Make sure you book your one on one session. A lot of you did it already and we had great feedback. Not only this is a must for everyone, this is also great for us to get to know more about each one of you

The Pyro Weighlifting starts Saturday. Everybody welcome, this is a great opportunity to review olympic lifts and developing good foundations. You can sign in on Rhinofit




Target weight: 40/50/60/70 and 80% of 1rm

The goal of this strength session is obviously to go heavy but not to max out


5min AMRAP

Burpee over the box 20inch for everybody

Warm up



10 push ups in between each (That will cover our 50 push ups for the day)


For time:

10 goblet squats 53/35
10 situps
10 kettlebell swings 53/35
10 toes to bar
10 kettlebell hang squat cleans 53/35×2
10 knee to elbows
10 kettlebell thrusters 53/35×2
10 strict knee to elbows

Couch stretch 3min per side

CrossFit total January 22nd

Scott’s workout Januar 29th


Muscle snatch


Overhead squat


Pyro weightlifting starts Saturday January 14th at 1000 until 1200. 2 hours of lifting goodness, technique and programming overview for the 1st session


For time:


Squat clean 95/65
Deadlift 185/135
Box jumps 24/20
Begin each round with a 50 meter Bear crawl

Open gym at 1100
Yoga at 1200

Mark your calendar:
Pyro weightlifting start Saturday January 14th. Classes will usually be 1 hour but for the 1st one, we’ll do a 2 hour class. This will allow us to go over the programming, the class format (which will be a bit different than regular CrossFit classes) and this extra time will also allow us to go over technique for the snatch and the clean and jerk. This is included in your membership. If you’re serious about olympic weightlifting or just want to get better this is for you. Pyro weightlifting will be 3 times a week, Tues at 5pm, Thurs at 5pm and Sat 11am. It’s proven and guarantee, the programming works, do the work and you will get results. Be smart about stretching/recovery and you will be injury free

CrossFit total is Sunday January 22nd

Athlete of the year workout (AOTYW) is Sunday January 29th. Scott put together a great soul annihilator workout. Really looking forward to it

Yoga Saturday at 12. You don’t want to miss it

CrossFit total Sunday January 22nd. Another thing you don’t want to miss

Today’s workout. You really don’t want to miss it


15min to find 1rm deadlift


For time:


Power snatch 75/55
Wall balls 20/14 11/10 (Yes, 11 feet target for mens, 10 feet for womens)
Ring dips

Rx+ Ring muscle ups to dips

Rx++ Manage to stretch 5min before leaving

Expect the apparels and the wodbooks in by January 15th


Shoulder press

Bench press


For time:


60ft shuttle runs (30ft forward, 30ft backward)

Body weight back squat

No 6am class

For reps:

5min AMRAP
Rope climbs

2min rest

5min AMRAP
Sled push/pulls 190/150 30ft

2mim rest

5min AMRAP
Sandbag bear complex 70/55

2min rest

5min AMRAP
Overhead walking lunges 45/35 30ft


Roll and stretch

No 6am class

We posted a lot of stuff yesterday, make sure you go back a few posts if you need to catch up

Scott Regier is our athlete of the year
2017 outline overview at Pyro
Lifestyle nutrition challenge
One on one goal setting, nutrition and fat% session.
We’ve done a bunch already and it’s really worth it
Firebreather incentive
The Pyro barbell club is starting very soon. Date to be announced shortly

Power cleans


Push jerk



Tabata toes to bar

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