New set of fundamentals dates:
1: 9 fundamental movements Sat Jan 28th 0930
2: Gymnastics Sat Feb 4th 0930
3: Olympic Lifting Sat Feb 11th 0930
4: Miscellaneous movements Sat Feb 18th 0930
5: Maintenance/mobility and workout Sat Feb 25th 0930
Expect each sessions to be 1:30. Lots of moving around and technique covered. This is included with our membership. There no better time to start than now. Ignite your potential

Friendly reminder: Make sure you sign in for classes


Peg boards 5min


35min AMRAP

5 bodyweight deadlifts
15 wall balls
5 pull ups
10 burpees to target

Note: If you have a weight vest, wear it
and add the weight of the vest to the deadlift

8 weeks cycle

Week 1 day 1

Muscle snatch
5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 (5 and 3s touch and go)

Snatch pulls @75% of snatch 1rm (touch and go, TNG)

Front squat @ 75% of 1rm clean and jerk with 3 sec pause at bottom

Acc work

3 sets

15 GHD sit ups
15 hip extensions

Tip of the day: On the muscle snatch, really focus on achieving the triple extension before the turning over to overhead


Shoulder press



10min AMRAP


Ring dips

Keep adding 2 reps until the time is up
Rx+ Muscle up to ring dips
Sc Paralette dips

Pyro weightlifting is Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm, Saturdays at 1000
CrossFit Total is Sunday January 22nd. Make sure you plan to stick around after for coffee or to play some Spikeball and Speedball
Scott’s workout is Sunday January 29th


Front squat

Back squat

(Keep going up from the front squat to back squat)


5 rounds for time:

500m row
15 overhead squats 95/65

Target timeframe: 10 to 15min


Team of 2, 1 athlete works at a time

8 rope climbs
80 med ball cleans 20/14
80 hand release push ups
80 med ball sit ups 20/14
4 rope climbs
40 squat cleans 115/85
40 shoulder to overhead 115/85
40 toes to bar
2 rope climbs
20 squat cleans 165/125
20 handstand push ups
20 burpee knees to elbows

Pyro weightlifting at 1000 until 1200
Yoga at 1200 until 1300

Pyro weightlifting outline:

Programming overview and philosophy
Warm up
Addressing the bar
The snatch
The clean
The jerk
The clean and jerk

The intent for tomorrow is to set good foundations for what’s to come. We’ll focus on technique and keep it light. We’ll do lots or reps and work on muscle memory

Hey Pyromanians, here’s the link to register for the 2017 Open. 5 weeks, 5 workouts, multiple divisions, Join the CrossFit Pyro team, 20$, one epic experience.

Pyro weighlifting start Saturday at 1000 for a 2 hour session. Followed by Yoga with Lorena at 1200


Snatch balance



8 rounds for time:

25 double unders
10 wall balls 20/14
15 walking lunges steps

No 6am class


Team 3. One team member works at a time

For time:

Thrusters 95/65
Pull ups

Thrusters 115/75
Chest to bar pull ups

Thrusters 135/95
Bar muscle ups

Rx+ solo
Scale as needed

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