How the old body feeling today? Did you stretch or roll? You should


10min EMOM alt min

1 rope climb
30 double unders


10 rounds for time:

10 box jumps overs 24/20
10 sit ups

Have you signed up for the Open yet? Here’s the link:


The bar and ring muscle up


For time:

Thrusters 135/95
Muscle up rings or bar

Note: If you scale the weight on the thrusters, you shouldn’t be able to complete the sets unbroken. No muscle ups, no problem, regular pull ups, chest to bar pull ups, jumping bar or ring muscle ups are all good options

Cool down/ maintenance

5 min row + 2 stretches of your choice

We hope you enjoyed the 1st week of weightlifting. This was just the beginning. The 1st week brought us back to basics, muscle snatch and muscle clean with some push presses and push jerks. As we move ahead further into the programming, we’re going to break down the movements at multiple positions like the high hang and hang. More accessory work is added to develop core stability and strength. Our programming is based on world class programming that’s proven to work and get you results. If you feel like you need to adapt a few movements, it’s just like any fitness workouts, it can be scaled down and can be scaled up but the intent is still the same. We’ll talk more about this in class this week. Now, let’s hop on the gain train


Burgener warm up

High hang snatch (Work to max)

Snatch (3 sec pause at the hang, work to max)

Snatch (Full, work to max)

Snatch pulls @110% of today’s full snatch (Fixed weight)

Front squat (60/70/80/90/90% or 1 RM clean and jerk)

Acc. work
3 sets of each
20 GHD sit ups
20 back extension
10 clean grip sots presses

Note: You’re probably freaking out “How am I gonna fit all this in 1 hour?”, get to work:0)

Scott’s workout is Sunday January 29th, you don’t want to miss it

Sweet skills at the CrossFit Total, lots of PRs and it was a lot of fun. Let’s crush our scores next year


“Filthy Fifty”

For time:
50 box jump 24/20
50 jumping pull-ups
50 kettlebell swings 53/35
50 walking Lunge steps
50 knees to elbows
50 push press 45/35
50 back extensions
50 wall ball 20/14
50 burpees
50 double unders

February Challenge: Come for 21 days unbroken at Pyro

This 1st got brought up to me by Jessica L. a while back. Her challenge was to come 21 days in a row, she ended up travelling and having other engagement so the challenge never got completed at that time but the idea really resonate with me. According to studies, it takes 21 days to form a new habit. This is a rough estimation based on some local observations. In reality, it varies from person to person. The things is, 21 days is achievable, it’s not too long and chances are, if you managed to come for 21 days, you won’t have problems showing up for your daily fix of high intensity fitness following that.
In the case of this challenge, this new habit is to have a healthy lifestyle, become fitter and just getting all the benefits of fitness. We’ll have a sheet by the board, if you’re up for it, put your name down and let’s see who can accomplish it. Usually at the end of challenge you get a prize, the prize here is a better you, for life. The challenge will start on Wednesday February 1st and finish on Tuesday February 21st. (Just before the open).

“CrossFit Total”

1 rep max Back squat
1 rep max shoulder press
1 rep max deadlift

Score is total for all 3 lifts together
You’ll have approximately 15min per movement to find your max

Ex: 300 back squat, 150 shoulder press, 400 deadlift = 850

Weightlifting at 1000 until 1100 (Gainz)
Open gym at 1100 until 1200 (more gainz)
Yoga at 1200 until 1300 (Recover from the gainz)

Pretty awesome Saturday!!!

Overhead squats @60% of 1RM snatch, 3 sec pause at bottom
3-3-3-3 (fixed weight)

Push press (build up to max)

Push jerk (build up to max)

Acc. work
Pendlay row (touch and go from the floor)
5-5-5-5 (fixed weight)

Note: We have the CrossFit total on Sunday so if you’re doing the weightlifting prog today, take it easy

No 6am class

CrossFit total is Sunday


Weighted pull ups



“Cardio fest”

5 rounds for time:

20 cal row
20 shuttle run 30ft
40 double unders

Emphasis on the clean proper technique and hip extension. The muscle clean combined with lighter than max clean pulls is perfect to achieve triple extension

Muscle cleans
5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 (build up to max)

Clean pulls @75% of 1rm clean and jerk
3-3-3-3 (TNG)

Back squat (3 sec pause at bottom)

Acc. Work

3 sets
20 sit ups (no swings, slow and controlled)
10 barbell good mornings (fixed weight)

The Pyro Wodbooks are on their way

The Pyro apparels should be done by the end of next week. We had some issues with supplies


10min EMOM alt min

Max handstand walk
10 kettlebell swings (no prescribed weight)


10min EMOM

3 power clean and jerk 95/65 or 135/95 or 155/115
6 toes to bar

Note: Perform the 3 clean and jerks and the toes to bar every minute on the minute. 3 options for the weight, pick something that will challenge you and you know you can perform all the sets

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