Emphasis on the clean proper technique and hip extension. The muscle clean combined with lighter than max clean pulls is perfect to achieve triple extension

Muscle cleans
5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 (build up to max)

Clean pulls @75% of 1rm clean and jerk
3-3-3-3 (TNG)

Back squat (3 sec pause at bottom)

Acc. Work

3 sets
20 sit ups (no swings, slow and controlled)
10 barbell good mornings (fixed weight)

The Pyro Wodbooks are on their way

The Pyro apparels should be done by the end of next week. We had some issues with supplies


10min EMOM alt min

Max handstand walk
10 kettlebell swings (no prescribed weight)


10min EMOM

3 power clean and jerk 95/65 or 135/95 or 155/115
6 toes to bar

Note: Perform the 3 clean and jerks and the toes to bar every minute on the minute. 3 options for the weight, pick something that will challenge you and you know you can perform all the sets

New set of fundamentals dates:
1: 9 fundamental movements Sat Jan 28th 0930
2: Gymnastics Sat Feb 4th 0930
3: Olympic Lifting Sat Feb 11th 0930
4: Miscellaneous movements Sat Feb 18th 0930
5: Maintenance/mobility and workout Sat Feb 25th 0930
Expect each sessions to be 1:30. Lots of moving around and technique covered. This is included with our membership. There no better time to start than now. Ignite your potential

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