Pyro weightlifting for all. YAY!!!

Power clean (Build to max) 10 min
*No starfish landing, keep it pretty. Just like a squat clean but catch it above parallel

Squat clean (Build to max, not TNG but close together) 10min
*Your 2 rep max should be heavier than your power clean. If not, you know you need to work on technique

Back squat (Build to max) 10min
*Aim for at least 2 sets above your 1RM clean and jerk

Acc. work

Slow GHD sit ups (no swings)
Slow hip extensions

Partner glute ham raises

Congrats again to Scott Regier for being our 2016 athlete of the year. The workout was effectively brutal, thanks


Snatch complex

3 hang squat snatch (Build to max)


8min AMRAP
15 power snatch 75/55
5 strict pull ups

Splits focus (Ouchy)

Mark your calendar. Here’s a few incoming events you don’t want to miss:

Clovis hero wod
Sunday May 7th
This is one of the hero workouts required for gold Firebreather. Just by the nature and craziness of this, we won’t be doing it often and I don’t think you want to hit this one alone. Let’s get all together and do this.
For time:
10miles run
150 burpee pull ups
Partition the run and burpee pull ups as needed

Pyro challenge
Sat June 24th @10
Starts and finish with a 5k run and a workout in the middle, a true test of strength and endurance. This is the 2017 Pyro challenge

Pyromania II
Sat July 29th all day
Our second annual competition. Pyromania I was a huge success and we had great feedback about it. Our community is bigger than last year, we’ll be targeting our members before opening it up elsewhere. Ideally, we’d like to keep it internal as much as possible. We don’t think the date will change at this point. 15 males and 15 females for 30 athletes total. 1 day, 4 events and a 5th final event for the top 6 male athletes and top 6 female athletes. We’re looking at a 50$ entry fee and you get a wicked Pyromania II t-shirt. Stay tuned for more details soon

Join us for the Athlete of the year’s workout, Scott Regier at 9 and 10
Scott Regier himself will be there at 10
Open gym at 11 until 12


For time:

50 double unders
40 wall balls
30 pull ups
20 power cleans 95/65
10 handstand push ups
1 leg less rope climb
10 shoulder to overhead 95/65
20 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
30 toes to bar
40 box jumps 24/20
50 double unders

Fundamentals 1 at 0930
Pyro weightlifting at 1100
Yoga at 1200
Reminder: Scott’s workout is Sunday

Burgener warm up

Build up to a max muscle snatch

Snatch balance

Clean pull @ 110% or 1RM clean and jerk


Acc. work

Bulgarian split squats

Fundamentals 1 Saturday at 0930
Scott’s workout is Sunday


10min EMOM alt min

1 peg board ascent
3 sled push 30ft 190/150


For time:


Row cals
Overhead lunges steps 75/55


Death by burpees + Back squat 185/155

Rest 3min

Death by burpees + shoulder press 115/85

Rest 3min

Death by burpees + deadlift 245/185

Note: On the 1st minute, perform 1 burpee and 1 back squat, 2nd minute perform 2 burpees and 2 back squat. Continue that pattern until you can no longer finish all the reps for that minute. Rest 3 minutes then move on to the burpees and shoulder press. The workout is performed on a continuous clock but the rep count reset when you start a new movement. Example, if you finish minute 6 but can’t finish minute 7, you will rest from min 8 until min 11 then start the burpees and shoulder at 1 rep. Your score is the number of minutes completed for each movements. If you’re confused enough, don’t worry we’ll go over everything during class. This has the potential to be the worst workout ever…just kidding, it’s just for fun anyway

Burgener warm up
Remember to warm up to your start set first

High hang clean (Build to max)

Clean (3sec pause at hang, build to max)

Clean and jerk (3 sec pause at the catch of the jerk)

Note: This is to work on stabilization on the catch, don’t rush coming out of it. Remember the basics, front foot back half a step then bring the back foot forward

Back squat (80/90/100/110/120% of 1RM clean and jerk)

Note: The 120% is gonna be heavy, dial down a bit if needed

Acc. work

Clean grip Romanian deadlift (RDL)
Snatch grip RDL
Snatch grip sots press (Keep it light and pretty)

Next set of fundamentals dates:
1: 9 fundamental movements Sat Jan 28th 0930
2: Gymnastics Sat Feb 4th 0930
3: Olympic Lifting Sat Feb 11th 0930
4: Miscellaneous movements Sat Feb 18th 0930
5: Maintenance/mobility and workout Sat Feb 25th 0930
6: One on one session goal setting, fat%, nutrition by appointment

Expect each sessions to be 1:30. Lots of moving around and technique covered. This is included with our membership. There no better time to start than now. Ignite your potential

Hey Pyromanians, the apparels are in. You can pick up your t-shirts, baseball shirts, ball caps for now. We’ll just take a few days to put the shoulder patches on the hoodies. The tank tops are also in but they ended up not exactly how we wanted, the fabric and the sizes are completely off so we’ll figure out what we’re going to do in the next few days. As you can imagine, ordering apparels is complicated, everything from colors, logo sizes, locations, embroidery and such, so it’s almost a miracle that only the tank top got messed up.
Wodbooks are in transit, according to the shipment tracking, it should be here any day now

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