Hello Pyromaniacs, this week is really busy at Pyro starting tomorrow with the shooting of our promotional video at 0900 and 1000hrs. It would absolutely phenomenal to fill the 1000hrs class. We will shoot the warm up, demo, the workout and the cool down. Wednesday we have Axe throwing at 7pm and our first Christmas/Holiday party Friday at 6pm. This is going to be the most epic week of our lives!!!

Not sure if you should come to the Pyro seminar Saturday December 10th at 10am? This is absolutely free to all members. Here’s a glimpse of what will be covered during the hour:

CrossFit Pyro’s mission, our vision and values (Really brief overview because we haven’t really had a chance to share this with everyone)
Upcoming one on one session (This is coming to every member starting in January)
Our programming philosophy (How to we program, for what intent and why, in 2 words “fitness sustainability”)
Maintenance and recovery (We can’t stress how important that is and Ill be sharing what I’m doing and why I’ve been a competitive injury free athletes for years)
Nutrition, eat for performance and results, zone diet and blocks, supplements (Blocks calculation, blocks meal list)
Mindset, goal setting (We all have bad days or days that nothing works, your attitude towards it can change the outcome completely, goals are key to find your path in this long journey)
There will Pyro espresso beverage if you arrive a few minutes early. This is also a good time to have open discussions and share experiences.
See you all there


Front squat 3-3-3-3-3

3sec pause at bottom


5 rounds for time:

500m row
10 handstand push ups


For time:
100 double unders

Guys night out at 7pm
Regular classes all day and 6pm


Overhead squats 5-5-5-5-5



Overhead squats 95/65
Sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
Toes to bar

Guys night out workout


Deadlift 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press body weight
Clean 3/4 body weight

Set up 3 bars and annihilate it

Yoga at 8pm. 5$ each
Guys night out Thursday at 7pm. Potluck and bring drinks
Fitness seminar Saturday at 10am
Promotional video shooting Sunday at 10am

Skills/ Acc. work

10min EMOM alt min

3 split jerks @50% of 1rm clean and jerk
10 GHD sit ups


For time:

50 abmat sit ups
50 pistols
50 shoulder to overhead 95/65
50 box jumps 30/24
50 abmat sit ups

Guys night out Thursday night at 7pm
Pyro seminar Saturday at 10am until 11am
Promotional video shooting Sunday at 10am (We need at least 10, let’s do it)


Beat swing, kipping pull up, muscle up


3 rounds for time

7 thrusters 165/115
15 muscle ups
10 power snatch 165/115

Option #2
3 rounds for time

7 thrusters 115/85
15 chest to bar pull ups
10 power snatch 115/85

Option #3
3 rounds for time

7 thrusters 95/65
15 pull ups
10 power snatch 95/65

Congratulations to Scott for competing at the Battle in the Barracks, the workouts were tough, the competition fierce but he overcame and conquered. CrossFit is hard, try going out there and put yourself in the middle of a crowd watching you and perform a workout meant to test you. It is intimidating and scary. Scott did awesome. Sweet skillz!!!

The guys night out is this Thursday starting at 7pm. We’ll go over the details during class this week. We have a special guest coming called “LINDA”


Muscle clean to press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


12min AMRAP

10 shuttle runs 30ft
30 double unders
15 burpees to a 6inch target

Second day of the Battle in the barracks
Scott is doing event 4 at 10:45 and David at 12:40. Come and cheer them

Reminder: Yoga Wednesday night at 8pm
Guys night out Thursday starting at 7pm

Warm up

Fun game


Tabata row cal
Tabata push ups
Tabata kettlebell swings 53/35
Tabata squat bottom

Score is total reps after all the tabatas combined. Tabata is 8 cycles of 20 sec of work followed by 10 sec of rest. You have only 10 sec between exercises so move quickly


Tabata stretch (Seriously)

No classes or open gym today, back at it Sunday 9/10 and open gym at 11. Don’t forget to sign in

Scott and David are competing at the Battle in the barracks, come and cheer them. Don’t forget to put your Pyro shirt on

Scott heats for Saturday are at 10:29am and 2:39pm
David heats for Saturday are at 11:39am and 3:53pm

Lots of cool stuff next week:

Guys night out Thursday night starting at 7pm. There will be a regular class at 6pm before. More details on the guys night out Sunday night. Expect a lot of bench press, bicep curls, greasy food and drinks

CrossFit Pyro seminar Saturday December 10th at 10 until 11. We’ll discuss nutrition, the zone diet and blocks measurements, recovery, movement efficiencies, competitions and a bunch of other interesting CrossFit stuff. This is mostly based on the Competitor’s course David took a couple weeks ago. We’ll focus on topics relevant to us as a community and our box, not necessarily just the competitive aspect of CrossFit.

Sunday December 11th, Pyro will be shooting a promotional video at 9 and 10am. There will be no regular classes at 9 but we’ll try to do a massive workout at 10. So, if you want to be part of this video, come for the 10am class, put your Pyro shirt on and this will go around social media and will be on the website. This is going to be awesome. We’re looking at a 60sec clip. We’re hoping to get at least 10 athletes in the class. There will be open gym at 11 after.

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