The apparel order is going in very soon, if you want anything, make sure you write down your order on the sheet by the white board. We have tshirts, hoodies, baseball 3/4 sleeves, Tank tops and ball caps. We’re not going to have samples this time but if you’re not sure about your size, we’ll order 2 sizes for you and just keep the one that fits.


E3M9M (3 cycles)

10 front squats + 1 push press (Push press is at the same weight as the front squat)


For time:

100 burpee pull ups

Rx+ If you have a weight vest, wear it

Strength/Olympic lifts

2 power snatch

3 min transition

1 snatch balance

3 min transition

3 snatch pulls @110% of 1rm

acc work

3×10 glute ham raises

No 6am class


E2M10M with 2 bars (build to max)

2 back squats (from the rack) then
2 shoulder press (from the ground)


12min AMRAP

5 overhead lunges steps 95/65
5 toes to bar
10 double unders
10 overhead lunges steps 95/65
10 toes to bar
20 double unders
15 overhead lunges steps 95/65
15 toes to bar
30 double unders

Keep adding 5 lunges and toes to bar and 10 double unders after every successful rounds until you run out of time


20min AMRAP

2 rounds of CINDY

5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

1 round of DT

12 deadlifts 155/115
9 hang power cleans 155/115
6 shoulder to overhead 155/115

Christmas/Holiday party at 6pm. Bring your smile, food, drink and let’s have fun. See you there.

Skills/ Capacity

5 rounds
30sec Inversion (handstand, handstand walk…)
30sec rest
30sec wall balls 20/14
30sec rest

METCON/ Strength

3 rounds for reps:

1min strict pull ups
1min strict ring dips
1min deadlifts 65% of 1rm
1min ghd sit ups or strict toes to bar
1min rest

Kevin is officially our axe throwing champion. Sweet skillz!!! As expected, it was a lot of fun.


Open 12.2

10min AMRAP

30 snatch 75/45
30 snatch 135/75
30 snatch 165/100
Max snatch 210/120

10min rest

15min to find max back squat

Axe throwing at 7pm. Here’s the address: 2151 32 St NE #80 Expect the event to be around 2 hours. Cost is 35$. It begins with instruction and practice with a coach and then we do a group tournament.
There’s still a class at 6pm, we’ll try to cut it short by 5 min so we can make our way to the axe throwing location


2 front squats (build to max)

3min transition

1 behind the neck split jerk (build to max)



Kettlebell swings 53/35
Double unders

Axe throwing night is at BATL axe throwing 2151 32 St NE #80 Wednesday at 7pm.

12 days of Christmas (CrossFit Pyro version)

1 rope climb
2 overhead squats 95/65
3 power snatch 95/65
4 pull ups
5 toes to bar
6 burpees
7 box jumps 24/20
8 burpee box jumps 24/20
9 shoulder to overhead 95/65
10 front squats 95/65
11 power cleans 95/65
12 chest to bar pull ups

Perform the workout like the song, 1 rope climb, 2 overhead squats and 1 rope climb, 3 power snatch and 2 overhead squat then 1 rope climb…

If you have an ugly sweater, wear it

Rx+ 135/95 and change the chest to bar pull ups for muscle ups

The Pyro knowledge bomb seminar was a success, we’ll definitely be doing more in the future.

Thanks to everyone who came today for the shooting of the promotional video, look for the final product soon. You guys were awesome and we consider ourselves very lucky to have all of you in the Pyro family. Thanks you!!!

Axe throwing night this Wednesday at 7pm, this going to be a lot of fun. We need to get a head count so make sure you confirm your attendance either on the sign in sheet by the white board or by telling us.

Christmas/holiday party is Friday night at 6pm. We need to know exactly how many of you are coming so we can plan seats, meals, table and such. Like the axe throwing night, we have a sheet by the white board, confirm your attendance by putting your name down or just by telling us.

Strength/Oly lifts

7 min EMOM
1 muscle snatch (built to max)

3 min transition

5 min EMOM
2 snatch pulls @110% of 1 rep max touch and go


3 min AMRAP

5 L-pull ups
10 box jumps 24/20

Rest 2 min

3 min AMRAP

10 knee to elbows
5 overhead squats 155/115

Promotional video shooting at 10am. Let’s fill the class as much as we can. No classes at 9am, sorry. We need that time to setup, do some shooting around the box and such. It means a lot to us as this is a great opportunity to showcase our box and what we’re about.


For time:


Thrusters 115/85
Hang power cleans 115/85

Perform 10 burpees whenever the bar touch the ground

Note: This will get spicy really quick

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