You have until Dec 31st to submit your vote for the athlete of the year. Also Dec 31st is the last day to put your orders in for apparels and wodbooks. If you can’t be at the box between now and Dec 31st, send us an email with your vote or orders.

Every generation, comes a workout to completely annihilate our souls…


10min to find 3 rep max thrusters


5 rounds
2min work
1min rest

1)21 thrusters@50% of 3rm
Max bar facing burpees
2)15 thrusters@60%
Max bar facing burpees
3)9 thursters@70%
Max bar facing burpees
4)6 thursters@80%
Max bar facing burpees
5)3 thrusters@90%
Max bar facing burpees

Score is heaviest 3rm thrusters +
Total bar facing burpees. In the 2min of work, complete all the prescribed thrusters then perform as many burpees as you can with the remaining time. Enjoy!!

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