Open gym at 1100 until 1200
Yoga at 1200 until 1300

Closed on Sunday January 1st. Back at it Monday January 2nd

This is your last chance to place your order in for apparels and the wodbook, orders are going in Jan 2nd.

Stay tuned tomorrow for an outline of the year at Pyro

One to one interview, goal setting, fat% starting Jan 2nd. Each interview should about 15-30min, you can book your appointment with Coach David or Coach Emilie. This is included in your membership and everyone should do it as soon as possible

Nutrition lifestyle challenge (this is for life) details to be announced

Olympic lifting classes (Pyro barbell club) starting in mid January. 3 times a week (Tuesday/Thursday at 5pm, Saturday at 11am) details to be announced

2016 was just the take off…

“Big things have small beginnings”

Last class of the year, it better be spectacular!!! CHIPPERACULAR!!!!

“Good bye 2016”

20:16 AMRAP

30 double unders
30 sumo deadlift high pulls 75/55
30 push ups
30 hang power cleans 75/55
30 wall balls 20/14
30 pull ups
30 shoulder to overhead 75/55
30 sit ups
30 box jumps 24/20
30 burpees
30 front squats 75/55
35 cal row

Year 2016/ 20:16 AMRAP
12 months/ 12 movements
365 days/ 365 reps

If you complete the workout within the time frame, you earned the right to start over and do more reps.
Scale option for volume. Perform 20 and 16 reps instead of 30 for everything.



20ft overhead walking lunges (build to max)
10 knees to elbows


1min sled push 30ft 190/150
1min kettlebell swing 70/53
1min box jump overs 24/20
1min handstand push ups
2min sled push 30ft 190/150
2min kettlebell swing 70/53
2min box jump overs 24/20
2min handstand push ups
1min sled push 30ft 190/150
1min kettlebell swing 70/53
1min box jump overs 24/20
1min handstand push ups

Note: Notice the weight went down on the sled, it’s because we’re pushing on rubber mats now. Also, each way is worth 10reps.

You have until Dec 31st to submit your vote for the athlete of the year. Also Dec 31st is the last day to put your orders in for apparels and wodbooks. If you can’t be at the box between now and Dec 31st, send us an email with your vote or orders.

Every generation, comes a workout to completely annihilate our souls…


10min to find 3 rep max thrusters


5 rounds
2min work
1min rest

1)21 thrusters@50% of 3rm
Max bar facing burpees
2)15 thrusters@60%
Max bar facing burpees
3)9 thursters@70%
Max bar facing burpees
4)6 thursters@80%
Max bar facing burpees
5)3 thrusters@90%
Max bar facing burpees

Score is heaviest 3rm thrusters +
Total bar facing burpees. In the 2min of work, complete all the prescribed thrusters then perform as many burpees as you can with the remaining time. Enjoy!!



1 high hang snatch
1 hang snatch
1 snatch

This is technique focus. All squat snatch


5 rounds for time:

10 dumbbell hang power snatch right 35/25
5 dumbbell overhead squats right
1 turkish get up right
10 sit ups
10 dumbbell hang power snatch left 35/25
5 dumbbell overhead squats left
1 turkish get up left
10 sit ups

Boxing day 2016 workout

Partner striking wod

6 rounds for reps

3min per rounds

1min rest btw rds

1min Focus mitts (1-2 switch=1rep)
1min Defense (left-right-duck=1rep)
1min Banded ground and pound (each hit=1rep)

One partner work at a time. “Resting” partner is on the focus mitts, throwing punches during the defense minute and pulling on the band. Switch partner each rds. Score is total reps for all rounds and both partners combined. Expect some pretty epic Rocky music too.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!!!!

No classes today, back at it Monday 0900/1000 for a special boxing day wod!!!

Open gym at 1100 until 1200

Yoga at 1200 until 1300

Sunday December 25th closed

Monday December 26th Classes at 0900/1000 and open gym at 1100

Deadline for the Pyro apparels and the Pyro wodbooks orders is January 31st. The orders are going in right after new year


On a 15min running clock, build to a 5 rep max back squat and a 5 rep max deadlift


15 min AMRAP

1 clean and jerk at 80-90% of 1RM
2 muscle ups
4 deficit handstand push ups
8 box jumps 36/30


Partner 10000m row

Switch as needed

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