This month, we’ll be working on achieving our goals. As we mentioned in yesterday’s post, there will be dedicated time to work on our personal objectives. Here’s some ideas: getting a pull up, handstand push up, muscle up, double unders, rope climbs to name a few. It’s no secret, if you want to get something, you work at it. There is no failure, only learning. Each time you practice a skill or work on something, you get better at it, even if you can’t see the direct improvement. So, let’s get after it. Here’s the wod:


Support position, dip, ring dip, kipping dip, iron cross, ring muscle up transition

Not for time:

10 rope climbs (Any style)
20 squat cleans (heavy)
40 handstand push ups (Strict if possible)
80 back extensions (Weighted if necessary)
100 ghd sit ups (Slow and controlled)

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