Goals 5min


12min AMRAP


150 wall balls 20/14


90 double unders
30 ring muscle ups

Today, we have CrossFit games open 13.3. The workout is basically Karen but if you finish before the 12min time cap, continue with double unders and muscle ups. Make sure you look at the timer when you complete the 150 wall balls as we’ll be scoring both Karen and 13.3 separate

Goals 5min



“TOR complex”

1 snatch + 1 snatch balance + 1 snatch push press + 1 overhead squat (build to max)


1 hang power snatch + 1 snatch + 1 overhead squat (build to max)


For time:

9 power snatch 135/95
21 toes to bar
1 rope climb
15 power snatch 95/65
15 toes to bar
2 rope climbs
21 power snatch 75/55
9 toes to bar
3 rope climbs

The Pyro meet was an absolute blast, you guys all did awesome. This was so much fun that we decided to turn it into an annual event. Look for it again next fall. Friendly reminder, the event was 20$, we’re still missing a few entries, just bring it next time you swing by the box.


3 rounds each for time:

100 single unders
50 double unders
25 triple unders


8min AMRAP

3 front squats 155/115
6 chest to bar pull ups
9 handstand push ups


Three rounds for time of:
Row 1000 meters
50 Burpees
50 Box jumps, 24″ box
Run 800 meters

Fundamentals 1: Intro to CrossFit and 9 Fundamental movements. Friday Nov 18 2000hrs
Fundamentals 2: Gymnastics. Sunday Nov 20th at 1100hrs
Fundamentals 3: Olympic lifts. Tuesday Nov 22nd at 2000hrs
Fundamentals 4: Miscellaneous movements. Friday Nov 25th at 2000hrs
Fundamentals 5: WOD and maintenance/ recovery. Sunday Nov 27th at 1100hrs

Let’s meet at the Renfrew public pool for 1200hrs, ready to rock at 1210.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:
50m swim
10 push-ups
15 squats

8 weeks
Started Sept 2016, end Nov 2016
3x week, Mon/Wed/Fri
Total oly lifts reps: 585 (snatch, clean jerk related)
Snatch: 243 reps
Clean and jerk: 342 reps
Avg/week: 73 reps
Avg/day: 24 reps

Movements like deadlifts, bench press and all accessory movements were not counted. Also, all olympic lifting movements used in metcons were not counted. Full report for all movement used coming next.

Remembrance day

Classes at 0600/0930am

Pyro Olympic Lifting meet at 0600pm. First lift at 0630pm. We have 16 lifters confirmed with a few more that might be added. 3 attempts at the snatch, 3 attempts at the clean and jerk. 1 athlete lifting at a time. If you haven’t signed up, you should and it’s not too late. We’ll be taking entries until 0630. 20$ per person, all proceed goes to lifting gear

There’s still a workout of the day for those that are coming in the morning. Here’s the wod:

Goals 5min


4 rounds for time:

500m row
10 thrusters 95/65
10 bar facing burpees

If you’re coming for the wod in the morning and lifting at night, just scale the workout as needed.

Goals 10min


For time:

50 hand release push ups
25 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
50 box jumps overs 24/20
25 shoulder to overhead 95/65
50 pull ups
25 front squats 95/65
50 GHD sit ups
25 overhead walking lunges steps 95/65

Target timeframe: 15-20min

Maintenance/ Mobility 10min

Athletes must weight in prior to start lifting to confirm weight class All athletes must pick their snatch opener before the first athletes starts lifting, this is to organize the order at which the athletes will lift The athletes order will be by sex and from lighter to heavier loads. There will be 2 bars…

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