The sign up sheets for the axe throwing, Christmas/holiday dinner, apparels and the wodbooks are by the white board.

Goals 5min



10min AMRAP

60 bar facing burpees
30 overhead squats 95/65
10 ring muscle ups

Accessory work

3 sets of 10 bulgarian squats
3 sets of 20 ghd sit ups

Today we’re starting a 2 weeks cycle on shoulder press, back squat and deadlift.



5 shoulder press (Built to max)

METCON (Are you ready??)

8min AMRAP

5 double overhand deadlift 135/95
4 hang power cleans
3 front squats
2 shoulder to overhead
1 thruster

5 toes to bar
4 knees to elbows
3 pull ups
2 chest to bar
1 bar muscle up

“Fight gone bad”

5 rounds for reps

1min wall balls 20/14
1min sumo deadlift high pulls 75/55
1min box jumps 20inch
1min push press 75/95
1min row for calories

1min rest between rounds

Score is total reps for all 5 rounds combined

Open gym from 11 to 12

Pictures of the daily workout results are back on the facebook community page. If you haven’t joined yet, search CrossFit Pyro community in the search bar, sent a request to join and you’re in. After a few test run with the website we figured it was the most efficient way to get it to you. Also, we’ll be ordering custom CrossFit Pyro wodbooks where you’ll be able to track down every lifts, benchmark workouts, games workouts, heroes, nutrition and so on. Keeping records of your lifts, workouts and setting goals is a major part to be successful. These wodbooks will be a great for all of us. We should get them before new years.

Hey Pyromanians, the axe throwing night is booked for Wednesday December 14th at 7pm. 35$+tx per person. This is going to be epic, finally we get to put our fitness to use on something meaningful. Look for the sign up sheet by the white board. See you all there

Fundamentals 1 tonight at 8pm

Goals 5min


Every 90 sec for 5 sets
3 push press (build to max)


2 rounds for reps

2min sled push 370/280 (Each way is worth 10 reps)
2min rest
2min sandbag burpee shouldering 70/55
2min rest


2min max abmat sit ups (upright torso at the top)

Fundamentals 1: Intro to CrossFit and 9 Fundamental movements. Friday Nov 18 2000hrs
Fundamentals 2: Gymnastics. Sunday Nov 20th at 1100hrs
Fundamentals 3: Olympic lifts. Tuesday Nov 22nd at 2000hrs
Fundamentals 4: Miscellaneous movements. Friday Nov 25th at 2000hrs
Fundamentals 5: WOD and maintenance/ recovery. Sunday Nov 27th at 1100hrs

Strength/ conditioning

10min EMOM alt min

8 kettlebell swings no weight prescribed
5 strict pull ups


For time:

100 double unders
5 clean and jerks 205/135
75 double unders
5 clean and jerks 185/125
50 double unders
5 clean and jerks 165/115

Note: Yes, squat cleans:0)

Just to switch things up and do something different, we’re planning an axe throwing night at batlgrounds. We can book for groups of less than 16 or more than 16. Look for the sign up sheet by the white board. The schedule is filling up fast so we’ll have to get on that asap. It’s going to be a lot of fun. Check out their website below for more details

Hello all, we’re in the early stage of planning our 1st annual Christmas/holiday party. First thing, let’s find a date that works for most of us. Here are the possible dates:

Friday Dec 9th
Saturday Dec 10th
Friday Dec 16th
Saturday Dec 17th

We’ll just go with the date that can accommodate the most people.

We’ll be doing this at Pyro and expect something like a 5pm until 10pm. Kids and family welcome. We’re going to have games and entertainment. Also, since we see each other in gym clothes all the times, we’re going to dress up nicely for this. Once we have a set date we’ll finalize all the details. We’re also open to suggestions.

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