“Fight gone bad”

5 rounds for reps

1min wall balls 20/14
1min sumo deadlift high pulls 75/55
1min box jumps 20inch
1min push press 75/95
1min row for calories

1min rest between rounds

Score is total reps for all 5 rounds combined

Open gym from 11 to 12

Pictures of the daily workout results are back on the facebook community page. If you haven’t joined yet, search CrossFit Pyro community in the search bar, sent a request to join and you’re in. After a few test run with the website we figured it was the most efficient way to get it to you. Also, we’ll be ordering custom CrossFit Pyro wodbooks where you’ll be able to track down every lifts, benchmark workouts, games workouts, heroes, nutrition and so on. Keeping records of your lifts, workouts and setting goals is a major part to be successful. These wodbooks will be a great for all of us. We should get them before new years.

     © 2016 CrossFit Pyro

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