Fundamentals 1: Intro to CrossFit and 9 Fundamental movements. Friday Nov 18 2000hrs
Fundamentals 2: Gymnastics. Sunday Nov 20th at 1100hrs
Fundamentals 3: Olympic lifts. Tuesday Nov 22nd at 2000hrs
Fundamentals 4: Miscellaneous movements. Friday Nov 25th at 2000hrs
Fundamentals 5: WOD and maintenance/ recovery. Sunday Nov 27th at 1100hrs

Strength/ conditioning

10min EMOM alt min

8 kettlebell swings no weight prescribed
5 strict pull ups


For time:

100 double unders
5 clean and jerks 205/135
75 double unders
5 clean and jerks 185/125
50 double unders
5 clean and jerks 165/115

Note: Yes, squat cleans:0)

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