Just to switch things up and do something different, we’re planning an axe throwing night at batlgrounds. We can book for groups of less than 16 or more than 16. Look for the sign up sheet by the white board. The schedule is filling up fast so we’ll have to get on that asap. It’s going to be a lot of fun. Check out their website below for more details

Hello all, we’re in the early stage of planning our 1st annual Christmas/holiday party. First thing, let’s find a date that works for most of us. Here are the possible dates:

Friday Dec 9th
Saturday Dec 10th
Friday Dec 16th
Saturday Dec 17th

We’ll just go with the date that can accommodate the most people.

We’ll be doing this at Pyro and expect something like a 5pm until 10pm. Kids and family welcome. We’re going to have games and entertainment. Also, since we see each other in gym clothes all the times, we’re going to dress up nicely for this. Once we have a set date we’ll finalize all the details. We’re also open to suggestions.

Goals 5min


12min AMRAP


150 wall balls 20/14


90 double unders
30 ring muscle ups

Today, we have CrossFit games open 13.3. The workout is basically Karen but if you finish before the 12min time cap, continue with double unders and muscle ups. Make sure you look at the timer when you complete the 150 wall balls as we’ll be scoring both Karen and 13.3 separate

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