Team of 2

15min to find 1 rep max shoulder press (Score is the 2 partners combined)

6min AMRAP

Partner 1: Barbell complex

12 hang power cleans 95/65
8 front squats 95/65
4 push press 95/65

Partner 2: Bodyweight complex

12 pull ups
8 box jumps 30/24
4 handstand push ups

Rest 2min

6min AMRAP

Partners switch workouts. Partner 1 does the bodyweight complex, partner 2 does the barbell complex. Continue the AMRAP where you left off. Only 1 partner works at a time. Example: partner 1 does 1 round of the barbell complex, tag partner 2. Partner 2 does 1 round of the bodyweight complex. Keep alternating until times up. Your score for the METCON is the total rounds for both partners combined.

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