Huge thank you to everyone for coming over today. We’ll say it again, this place would not be what it is without you. Less than a year ago we were in our garage, we were named Free Radical box and we had big dreams. We’re finally here, the best group of people, a wicked space, a programming that is fun and gets us results. We truly have it all. That being said, we’re only at the beginning, we have so many things to come and our community keeps growing everyday. Thank you. Here’s the workout:

Oly lift W7D1

Every 2min for 10min

5 hang power snatch


Every min on the min for 5min

1 snatch balance


8min AMRAP

5 double unders
5 dumbbell hang power cleans
5 dumbbell shoulder to overhead
10 double unders
10 dumbbell hang power cleans
10 dumbbell shoulder to overhead
Keep increasing by 5 reps until you run out of time

Note: There is no prescribed weight for the dumbbells but pick something challenging that allows you to keep moving. Suggested weight: 35/25

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