The Pyro apparel order is going in this week. We have T-shirts, hoodies and ball caps. Make sure you put your name down on the order sheet by the white board before Friday October 7th. Last call, we won’t do another order for a bit. Here’s the workout:


EM12M alternating minute

1 rope climb (any style, pick something challenging)
30 seconds max double unders


2min AMRAP

3 hang power cleans 95/65
3 thrusters 95/65
3 situps

rest 2min

2min AMRAP

3 hang power cleans 135/95
3 thrusters 135/95
3 situps

Rest 2min

2min AMRAP
3 hang power cleans 155/115
3 thrusters 155/105
3 situps

2min AMRAP

3 hang power cleans 185/135
3 thrusters 185/135
3 situps

Continue the hang power clean/ thrusters until you can no longer perform a rep. Next progressions: 205/155, 225/165, 245/185, 265/205

We’ll have a scaled progression as well

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