Happy Halloween!!!!

For November we’ll be working a lot on our personal goals, expect something similar to the weakness sessions we had back in August. This will be a coached open gym style time within regular classes where everybody will be able to focus on their personal goals. We’ll be going over more details in class this week.


Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5


15min AMRAP

10 wall balls 20/14
15 toes to bar
20 lunges
25 double unders


Team of 2

15min to find 1 rep max shoulder press (Score is the 2 partners combined)

6min AMRAP

Partner 1: Barbell complex

12 hang power cleans 95/65
8 front squats 95/65
4 push press 95/65

Partner 2: Bodyweight complex

12 pull ups
8 box jumps 30/24
4 handstand push ups

Rest 2min

6min AMRAP

Partners switch workouts. Partner 1 does the bodyweight complex, partner 2 does the barbell complex. Continue the AMRAP where you left off. Only 1 partner works at a time. Example: partner 1 does 1 round of the barbell complex, tag partner 2. Partner 2 does 1 round of the bodyweight complex. Keep alternating until times up. Your score for the METCON is the total rounds for both partners combined.

Hello everyone, the CrossFit Pyro olympic lifting meet has been moved from Friday November 4th to Friday November 11th.

We’ll still be doing the Rogue Liftoff Snatch and Clean and Jerk Friday November 4th and the liftoff workout on Sunday November 6th as part of the classes.

Coach David is attending the CrossFit competitor’s course in Denver on that weekend.

We’ll have all the details for the Rogue liftoff and the Pyro olympic lifting meet on the website, Facebook page and at the box this week.

The Pyro Olympic lifting meet is an in house competition where each athlete will compete in their weight class (we’ll have an official weight in). Each athlete will choose their opening lift for the Snatch and Clean and Jerk and will have 3 attempts for each lifts. The weight can only go up. If you fail a lift, you will be allowed to try the same weight again. The official rules of the competition will be revealed shortly. We’re planning on buying some equipment for the gym. Rogue competition plates, change plates, building an official olympic lifting platform for the event and some other small thing that will make the overall experience epic. The cost for each athlete is 20$ and 100% of the proceed will go directly to getting new gear for us. Not only this will be a lot of fun, the more people that sign in, the more cool new toys we get. Stay tuned for more details.

WOD of the living dead was a lot of fun. Multiple pumpkin casualties for sure. The floor looked like a graveyard after the workout. Sweet skillz!!

Open gym from 1100 until 1300hrs

Friendly reminder: Do your maintenance/mobility work. Full body stretch, roll and some mobility work will take you a long way. Next classes Sunday at 0900/1000 and open gym at 1100hrs.


5 rounds for time:

13 pumpkin squat cleans
13 pumpkin sit ups
13 pumpkin thrusters
13 pumpkin tosses over the rope or bar 9ft
13 pumpkin facing burpees

Note: Obviously, don’t forget your pumpkin and a cool costume would be awesome

WOD of the living dead is tomorrow, don’t forget your huge pumpkin


Bench press 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1
Weighted pull ups 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1


For time:

100 cal row

WOD of the living this Friday, don’t forget your huge pumpkin:0)

Olympic lifting W8D2

Clean and jerk (Video analysis)


Clean pulls

2-2-2-2-2 @110%



Deadlifts 225/155
Overhead squats 135/115


12min EMOM alt minute

Pull ups, chest to bar pull ups, bar muscle ups or pull over tech work

Inversion work, handstand, handstand push ups, handstand walk


8 rounds for time:

1 rope climb
2 kettlebell turkish get ups 53/35
4 deficit handstand push ups 4/2 inches
8 V sit ups

WOD of the living dead is Friday starting at 1800hrs. Bring you own pumpkin (as heavy as you can). Costumes are more than welcome. Also, if you want to bring some snacks, go ahead. Festivities starts at 1800hrs but we won’t start the workout until 1900hrs so we can get as many people as we can together. Drinks to follow. Here’s the workout for Monday:

Oly Lift W8D1

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (Video analysis part 2)
Snatch Pulls 2-2-2-2-2 @110% of today’s 1rm


For time:

100 double unders

Box jumps 30/24
Shoulder to overhead 95/65

100 double unders


3 rounds for time:

1k run
10 ring/bar muscle ups
100 squats

Note: If you have a weight vest, wear it

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